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24 Source language what goes around comes around what goes around comes around Completed translations Ĉiu kiu iras, revenos Man høster som man sÃ¥r Nu săpa groapa altuia că s-ar putea să cazi tu primul în ea ÏŒ,τι κάνει τον γÏÏο γυÏίζει πίσω من ØÙر ØÙرة لأخيه وقع Ùيها Aki mà snak vermet à s, maga esik bele. ביטוי Id quod circumiret, circumveniat ما تعطيه, يعود اليك După faptă, ÅŸi răsplată. What goes around, comes around. Todo lo que se va, vuelve. On récolte ce qu'on sème 自æ¥è‡ªå¾— Ne ekersen onu biçersin. Chi la fa, l'aspetti Това, което правиш на другите... Что поÑеешь, то и пожнешь. Ono Å¡to posejeÅ¡ to i žanjeÅ¡ Som man skördar fÃ¥r man sÃ¥. O que vai volta à¸à¸£à¸£à¸¡à¹ƒà¸”ใครà¸à¹ˆà¸ à¸à¸£à¸£à¸¡à¸™à¸±à¹‰à¸™à¸¢à¹ˆà¸à¸¡à¸„ืนสนà¸à¸‡ | |
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229 Source language Sehr verehrter Kunde, wir bedanken uns recht... Sehr verehrter Kunde, wir bedanken uns vielmals für den herzlichen Empfang in Ihrem Hause sowie für die Zeit, die sich sich für uns genommen haben. Die von Ihnen angefragten Raten werden Ihnen schnellsten zur Verfügung gestellt. Vielen Dank für die gute Zusammenarbeit. Mit freundlichen Grüßen La nostra azienda vuole ringraziare le cliente che erano cosi gentile e hanno avuto tempo di incontrarsi con noi in Italia. L´Offerta inviamo (as soon as possible). Completed translations Gentilissimo cliente,... Käraste klient | |
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237 Source language Your Email Address Won United Kingdom National LotterySir/Madam, We are pleased to inform you that your email address won you the sum of£1,000.000.00 in an electronic draw organize by United kingdomnational Lottery. You are advice to sent your details to Barrister Martin Jones for furtherprocessing at Completed translations ingiltere milli piyangosu | |
170 Source language Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje". lumini veritatis sed ipsi lumini veritatis, a quo vel tenuiter pro sui capacitate illustratur, ut verum aliquid in ratiocinando sentiat"; nihil penitus pro sui corporis alimento gustavit, reliquis nichilominus diebus Completed translations To the light of truth Mas à própria luz da verdade | |
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