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Original text - Romanian - Salut! Ce faci? Cum e la tine? EÅŸti ...

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Salut! Ce faci? Cum e la tine? EÅŸti ...
Text to be translated
Submitted by ady777
Source language: Romanian

Salut! Ce faci? Cum e la tine? Eşti sănătos? Andrei.
Remarks about the translation
franceza vorbită în Franţa
<edit> with diacritics, thanks to Tzicu-Sem's notification and edit</edit> (10/10/francky)
Edited by Francky5591 - 10 October 2009 12:01

Last messages


10 October 2009 11:53

Number of messages: 493

The text has diacritics but some are missing... And it also needs some editting.
The text should read: Salut! Ce faci? Cum e la tine? Eşti sănătos? Andrei.
Native speaker.

10 October 2009 12:02

Number of messages: 12396
Thanks a lot Tzicu-Sem!