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569Translation - English-Arabic - Each small candle

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Requested translations: Literary Chinese

Category Song

თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
Each small candle
Submitted by Rumo
Source language: English

Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground
The last dim star of pain is hurled
But the blind indifference
Of a merciless unfeeling world

And each small candle
Lights a corner of the dark...
Remarks about the translation
From a song by Roger Waters

Please keep sense and meaning, translations have not necessarily got to be as poetical (but if you have nice lyrical ideas, don't hesitate to use them).^^

كلّ شمعة صغيرة

Translated by shadim
Target language: Arabic

لَيسَ المعذّبَ سَيُخيفُني
ولا سقوطُ الجسمَ النهائيَ
ولا البراميلُ مِنْ بنادقِ الموتِ
ولا الظلالُ على الحائطِ
ولا الليلُ عندما على الأرض
إنّ النجمَ الخافتَ الأخيرَ للألمِ مَقْذُوفُ
لكن اللامبالاةَ العمياءَ
عالم قاسي عديم الشعور

وكُلّ شمعة صغيرة
تضيء زاوية الظلامِ. . .
Validated by marhaban - 10 July 2007 16:00

Last messages


5 May 2008 03:41

Number of messages: 5
May I suggest a better Arabic translation? I can't submit it using the "translate" button.

Here goes ..

لا المُعَذِّبُ باللذِي يُخِيفُنِي
وَلا السُّقُوطُ الأَخِيْرُ لِلجَسَدِ
وَلا مَواسِيرُ بَنَادِقِ المَوْتِ
وَلا الظِلالُ عَلَى الجُدْرَانِ
وَلا اللَّيلُ إذْ نَحْوَ الأَرْضِ
يَنْدَفِعُ آخِرُ نُجُومِ الأَلَمِ الخَافِتَةِ

بَل اللامُبالاةُ العَمياءُ
لِلعالَمِ القاسِي بِلا شُعُورٍ

كُلُّ شَمْعَةٍ صَغِيرَةٍ
تُضيءُ زاويَةً فِي الظَّلامِ

5 May 2008 03:59

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
This translation was accepted by an expert what means that it was considered correct.

5 May 2008 04:01

Number of messages: 5
I didn't say it's wrong, it's okay, but I think it's a bit weak, that's all

5 May 2008 04:16

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Well, since this translation is from July/2007, I guess the requester must have used it already.
Anyway he will receive your message.

20 November 2008 15:49

Number of messages: 2
Any way the translation made by the hassen is more appropriate.