435 Source language Diese Firmen kaufen Aktien & Anteile der Firmen... Diese Firmen kaufen Aktien & Anteile der Firmen die die Hotels besitzen. Meistens inklusive Grundstücke und Gebäude und immer inkl. Kunden. Es wird immer die Mehrheit gekauft. Das White Sand Beach Resort wurde schon durch Catamaran gekauft. Diese Konstellation hat umfassende steuerliche Vorteile und senkt die Kosten für Kaufs- und Verkaufsgebühren erheblich. Damit ist auch ein Weiterverkauf einzelner Hotels durch einen Verkauf von Aktien der Hotelinhaberfirmen möglich und unkompliziert. Completed translations Ces entreprises achètent des actions et des parts de sociétés... | |
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44 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. kece canete kece canete ci xesti eze tedim sebate nine sewa keye anlamını bilmiyorum. Completed translations sawe te | |
170 Source language Just got your art last night. Just got your art last night. I didn't know we were facebook friends because of the trade show. Nice to meet you. sorry I do not know a word of turkish. Hope this message finds you well! Best in Art, Completed translations Karşılaşmak çok güzel | |
327 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. Bu yarayi ta ezelden tanirdim Bir kasi karaya... komur gozlerin eBu yarayi ta ezelden tanirdim Bir kasi karaya kul etti beni Ben bu derdi yere çaldim sanirdim Bir kuru çaliya dal etti beni Mendilinde kimin ismi oyali Bilemedim senin aslin nereli Söyle güzel ben de olam orali O kömür gözlerin deli etti beni Yüce daglar gibi basim kar idi Bir incecik yel vurdu da eridi Dilim dönse bir kelamim var idi Yüregime basti yol etti beni Completed translations твоите черни очи | |
266 Source language Can't afford no shoes Heh-heh-heh . . . Have you heard the news? (News? What news?) Can't afford no shoes (Ow! Get a deal on tape) Have you heard the news? (News? Can't afford a paper) Can't afford no shoes (Hi-yo-hi)
Went to buy some cheap detergent Some emergent nation got my load Got my load Got my toad That I stowed Part from " Can't afford no shoes" a track from Franck Zappa in the album "One size fits all"
Français de France Completed translations des pompes, j'peux pas payer | |
182 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. Arrive Email Bonjour daholo! tonga soamantsara aty, reraka, notsenain'i nenifara sahondra, de ato aminy aloha samedi et dimanche; lundi no miala ato ho any cambrai, de voakarakara tsara. De mampamangy any rehetra any. Nicolas. Malagasy Completed translations Bonjour à tous! Je suis bien arrivé, ... | |
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367 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. vita zay aloha ny une semaine. mahafinaritra... vita zay aloha ny une semaine. mahafinaritra daholo ny mpiaramiasa, ato @ tantine bodo za zao io no mandefa mail, vao tonga avy any cambrai satria any no tena miasa, de miakatra manao week-end aty @ fianakaviana. @ lundi mankany lille vao maraina hanao ny inscription sy hanao cours (ap-midi), de avy eo mody any cambrai ny hariva vers 17h qui dure 1h de temps avec 75 km de parcours; mardi ao cambrai toute la journée; ny mercredi SOURCE LANGUAGE IS MALAGASY (MADAGASCAR) Completed translations programme de la semaine The week is over, all my colleagues | |
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