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Original text - Romanian - Song

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This text is available in the following languages: RomanianEnglishSwedishFrenchDanish

Category Song

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Text to be translated
Submitted by mizz_mami
Source language: Romanian

eu te iubesc
cum ma iubesti u pe mine
si nu regret
k te-am ales pe tine
tu ma iubesti
cum te iubesc eu p tine
si nu regreti k m-ai ales p mine
spune-mi k nu visez
spune-mi cu adevarat
k viata ta cu mine
vrei k s-o imparti
bune si rele aman2 vom imparti
tot binele din lume
doar tu il poti oferi
24 May 2008 12:55

Last messages


25 May 2008 20:41

Number of messages: 1
The source text is not using diacriticals.

26 May 2008 07:27

Number of messages: 970
Hi, caiverzi,

Taking into account that the requester is not a native Romanian speaker, we can "fogive" her....