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Translation - English-Turkish - Better than watching Geller bending silver...

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Category Song

Better than watching Geller bending silver...
Submitted by feti
Source language: English

Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons.
Better than witnessing new born nebulas in bloom.
She who sees from 'up high' smiles and surely sings.
Perspective pries her once weighty eyes and it
Gives you wings.

I haven't felt the way I feel today
In so long it's hard for me to specify.
I'm beginning to notice how much this feels
Like a waking limb... in pins and needles,

Deeper than the deepest Cousteau would ever go.
Higher than the heights of what we often think we know.
Blessed she who clearly sees the wood for the trees.
To obtain a 'bird's eye' is to turn a blizzard to a breeze.

So could it be that it had been there all along?
Remarks about the translation
This is part from the song "Nice to know you", by Incubus.

Geller'in gümüş kaşığı bükmesi..

Translated by hsgscimbom
Target language: Turkish

Geller'in gümüş kaşıkları bükmesini izlemekten daha iyi.
Yeni doğmuş nebulaların çiçek açmasına şahit olmaktan daha iyi.
O, çok 'yukarılardan' izleyen kız, gülümser ve mutlaka şarkı söyler.
Perspektif, onun bir zamanlar ağır olan gözlerini kımıldatır
Ve sana kanatlar verir.

Uzun zamandır hissetmedim bugün hissettiğim gibi.
Bunu ifade etmek zor benim için.
Ne kadar acıdığını fark etmeye başlıyorum.
Uyanmış bir dal gibi...iğneler ve pimler arasında

Cousteau’nun gideceği en derinden daha derin
Sık sık bildiğimizi düşündüğümüz en yükseklerden daha yüksek
Ağaçlardaki odunu açık seçik görebilen kız kutsanmış
Bir kuşun bakışını elde etmek, bir tipinin melteme dönmesidir.

Öyleyse bu, baştan beri orada olan olabilir miydi?
Validated by Bilge Ertan - 14 February 2011 21:30

Last messages


6 February 2011 19:38

Bilge Ertan
Number of messages: 921
Hi Lein,
There are some parts in the text that I don't understand, if you could help me, I would be glad

First, the third line:

-She who sees from 'up high' smiles and surely sings.

Does that mean:

- She who is big head smiles and surely sings ?


-Perspective pries her once weighty eyes and it.


-Perspective pries her weighty eyes, once. ?

And finally for these lines:

Blessed she who clearly sees the wood for the trees.
To obtain a 'birds eye' is to turn a blizzard to a breeze.

Does the first sentence mean:

-She who clearly sees the wood for the trees is blessed. ?

And should 'birds eye' be bird's eye ?

Thanks a looot in advance.

CC: Lein

7 February 2011 09:06

Number of messages: 3769

Yeni doğmuş nebulaların çiçek açmasına...>Yeni doğmuş nebulaların parlaklığını

Ağaçların odunlarını çok net görebilen kız kutsanmış...>
Ağaçlar için ormanları çok net görebilen kız kutsanmış

Uyanmış bir dal gibi...iğneler ve pimler arasında...> bir uzvun uyanması gibi ... karıncalanma içinde

Cousteau’nun gideceği...> Cousteau’nun gidebileceği

Öyleyse bu, baştan beri orda olan mıydı?...> Öyleyse bu, baştan beri orda olabilir miydi?

7 February 2011 18:54

Number of messages: 3389
Hi Bilge

At first, I found this a rather cryptic song - possibly because I am a bit too innocent
I went looking for some explanations and quite a lot of people seem to agree this song is about the feeling you have when you are high (on drugs) and then suddenly it made more sense to me - I think they are probably right.

- She who sees from 'up high' smiles and surely sings. -> 'up high' just means she is somewhere high, such as in the clouds; nothing here about a big head!

- Perspective pries her once weighty eyes and it -> her eyes were once ('once upon a time; some time ago') weighty, but not anymore. Perspective now pries them open (possibly once, but the text doesn't say anything about that).

- Blessed she who clearly sees the wood for the trees.
To obtain a 'birds eye' is to turn a blizzard to a breeze.

Does the first sentence mean:

-She who clearly sees the wood for the trees is blessed. ? Yes!

And should 'birds eye' be bird's eye ? Yes! I have edited this in the original.

Hope this helps

7 February 2011 18:56

Number of messages: 3389
Why do I never remember to cc?

CC: Bilge Ertan

7 February 2011 19:16

Bilge Ertan
Number of messages: 921
Thanks a lot for your generous help Lein I think this song has complicated lyrics. Just like you, I would never guess that it is about drug...

Have a nice evening