Hi Bilge
At first, I found this a rather cryptic song - possibly because I am a bit too innocent
I went looking for some explanations and quite a lot of people seem to agree this song is about the feeling you have when you are high (on drugs) and then suddenly it made more sense to me - I think they are probably right.
- She who sees from 'up high' smiles and surely sings. -> 'up high' just means she is somewhere high, such as in the clouds; nothing here about a big head!
- Perspective pries her once weighty eyes and it -> her eyes were once ('once upon a time; some time ago') weighty, but not anymore. Perspective now pries them open (possibly once, but the text doesn't say anything about that).
- Blessed she who clearly sees the wood for the trees.
To obtain a 'birds eye' is to turn a blizzard to a breeze.
Does the first sentence mean:
-She who clearly sees the wood for the trees is blessed. ? Yes!
And should 'birds eye' be bird's eye ? Yes!

I have edited this in the original.
Hope this helps