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Translation - English-French - I'm looking for some where to stay in France so i...

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This text is available in the following languages: EnglishFrench

Category Letter / Email

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
I'm looking for some where to stay in France so i...
Submitted by rickstar411
Source language: English

I'm looking for some where to stay in France so i can improve my French and move out there. I will help clean around the house and do other jobs to help you. email me xxxx@yyyy.zzz


Translated by Anelise Neuls
Target language: French

Je cherche où séjourner en France pour que je puisse améliorer mon français et en sortir. Je vais vous aider à nettoyer autour de la maison et remplir d'autres fonctions pour vous aider. M'écrire xxxx@yyyy.zzz
Validated by Francky5591 - 6 November 2007 19:41