Um dia completamente normal. Afinal, ela não havia se atrasado. Não perdera o ônibus. Não havia tropeçado. Muito menos quebrara o salto do sapato. Ela poderia ter conseguido o emprego. Tudo poderia ter sido como ela sempre imaginara. Mas isso, se ela não fosse Ella.
A perfectly ordinary day. After all she had not been late. She had not missed the bus. She had not tripped. She had not even broken the heel. She could have got the job. Everything could have gone just like she had always imagined. But only if she were not Ella.
Only if in that interview she had not been asked only one disturbing question, to which there was no answer: Who are you?
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Unfortunately the word pun "ela/Ella" got lost :(
She could have got the job (British English) / She could have gotten the job (US English)
Could you make the edits so that I can accept the translation?
And... yes, esp. US English uses 'gotten' in this case instead of 'got'. However, I don't say it's wrong, it's just a matter of preference You may change that or not, as you wish.