Due to the replacement of the main sewer pipes: in the basement do not use the shower, toilet, sink or kitchen sink the work is expected to be finished at 4:00 PM kind regards the plumber
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
My guess is that the original text goes like this: "Grundet udskifting af faldstammer i kælder må De ikke bruge bad, wc, vask og køkkenvask. Arbejdet forventes færdigt kl 1600 mvh blikkenslageren"
Webster´s dictionary says that a "faldstamme" = draft tube, draught tube, soil pipe, soil stack.
(In a plumbing system, it´s the drainage pipe that carries or is designed to carry human excrement)
faldstamme means "main sewer pipe". The collector pipe for the entire building / house. I'm 100 % sure, because designing HVAC and sewerage for houses is what I do for a living
why did you (I didn´t see who it was) change "kind regards" to "regards"? "med venlig hilsen" = with kind regards (that would be the direct translation)