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翻译 - 英语-希伯来语 - Changes-validated-points

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提交 cucumis
源语言: 英语

If your changes are validated, you earn %d points in about %w weeks


翻译 ittaihen
目的语言: 希伯来语

אם השינויים שבצעת מאושרים, תרוויח %d נקודות בכ%w שבועות
מאושר-single male
מאושרים-plural male
since changes r in plural the 2nd option is the appropriate
cucumis认可或编辑 - 2005年 十二月 9日 10:59



2005年 十二月 9日 10:54

文章总计: 3785
I have 3 remarks/questions for you ittaihen.
1) Is it intended from you to have "%w" stuck to "בכ" ?
2) I'm not sure that "plural male" is the best choice. This text is talking to the visitor who read it. A male or female. Is there a formal singula "you" in hebrew that can fit to a boy or a girl? Is it generally accepted to use the male form when we don't know the sex of the person we are talking to? Last question, maybe we could use the equivalent of "or" in hebrew (for example : "he or she must go to the scool" ) ?
3) I had to change the order of "%" and "w" in your translation because you wrote in fact "w%" instead of "%w". When reading "w%" in right to left direction, it looks like "%w" but it is not. Then, the process of building the definitive text for the html page try to replace "%w" by a number but it doesn't find "%w" as it is "w%" in fact. I'm not sure to be clear ...

2005年 十二月 9日 10:54

文章总计: 98
I will reply gladly
the two Heb letters stands for 'in about'refaering to time esstamation.seperatly they functionn the same the letter
ב -stands for the Eng words IN or AT
×› - stands for ABOUT or APPROXIMATELY
Using such letters make Heb text shrink compering to source Europian languages

every object has gender in Hebrew(same in Arabic-a Sematic languahes phenomenon) for example - Table is a male. Television is a femail. the noun - 'change' is a mail and the correct gramatic way is to write those verbs and nouns
the way i wrote them.
3) sorry about messing your prompts. i'll keep it in mind for next time

2005年 十二月 9日 10:59

文章总计: 3785
Thanks a lot for those comments.

2005年 十二月 10日 17:41

文章总计: 98
It did acure to me that there a few corrections i need to make regarding the gender issue. it is not the remarks we have discussed in our last corespondence, but it did remund me there's some little work to be done. is there any posibility for me to make those corrections?
