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翻译 - 土耳其语-英语 - Söyleyın

本文可用以下语言: 土耳其语英语

讨论区 歌曲 - 爱 / 友谊

提交 hamza778
源语言: 土耳其语

Bu arala çok yorgunum
Hep ısyankar hep musuzum
Alnım dakı kara yazı
Eçel gıbı sılınmıyor
Içımdekı kurşun değıl
Aşk yarası kapanmıyor
Söyleyın bır daha anmasın benım adımı
Söyleyın daha unutmadım yalanlarını
Söyleyın mahşere sakladım günahlarını
Söyleyın bılsın Söyleyın bılsın

Tell him

翻译 handyy
目的语言: 英语

Nowadays I'm so tired
I'm always rebellious and distressed
That miserable fate written on my forehead
is like death; it would not fade
The thing inside me is not a bullet
The wound of love doesn't heal
Tell him not to mention my name anymore
Tell him that I haven't forgotten his lies yet
Tell him that I'll keep his sins until the last judgement
Tell him to know that, tell him to know that
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2008年 八月 9日 14:34



2008年 八月 8日 01:00

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Hi handyy, good work!

I'd just suggest some changes to avoid repeating words.

"I'm always rebellious and distressed
that miserable fate written on my forehead
is like death; it would not fade

"anymore" (one word)

"Tell him that I've hidden his sins for the last judgement "
I wonder if by "hidden" you mean "saved"

All the rest is OK for me.

2008年 八月 8日 14:08

文章总计: 2118
Hi Lilian,

Your offers makes it more poetic, thanks a lot I'm gonna change them.

-- "Tell him that I've hidden his sins for the last judgement "--> here she wants to say that I won't take revenge from you, I will keep your sins in my mind/heart till the last day, so God will judge you not me. (oh my, I felt myself like a story teller. this translations make my imaginative power become richer day by day )

2008年 八月 8日 12:36

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
In that case perhaps it could read:

"Tell him I'll keep his sins until the Final Judgment"

And the last line sounds weird. It seems that we need an object after "know".
Tell him to know (sth).
What about changing it to: Let him know that (it)

2008年 八月 8日 17:51

文章总计: 3769
it is "she".