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翻译 - 挪威语-英语 - Her er litt god gammel Chinesisk visdom!

本文可用以下语言: 挪威语英语

Her er litt god gammel Chinesisk visdom!
提交 pias
源语言: 挪威语

En eldre Chinesisk dame hadde to store krukker, begge hang på hver sin side av en stang, som hun bærte over nakken.

En av krukkene hadde en revne i seg, mens den andre krukken var perfekt og alltid leverte en full porsjon vann.

Etter en lang tur fra bekken til huset, var den lekke krukken bare halvfull.

I to år skjedde dette daglig, kvinnen bar hjem bare en og en halv krukke vann.

Selvfølgelig, den perfekte krukken var stolt av sitt resultat.

Men, den stakkars lekke krukken var skamfull av sin egen prestasjon, og ulykkelig over at den bare kunne gjøre halvparten av hva den var laget for å gjøre.

Etter 2 år av hva den følte som en bitter feil, snakket den en dag til kvinnen nede ved bekken.

“Jeg skjemmes over meg selv, fordi revnen på min side gjør at vannet lekker ut hele veien tilbake til huset ditt.”

Den gamle kvinnen smilte! “La du merke til at det er blomster på din side av stangen, men ingen på den andre siden?”

“Det er fordi jeg alltid har visst om din lekasje, så jeg plantet frø på din side av stien, og hver dag når vi går tilbake, har du vannet dem.”

“I to år har jeg kunnet plukke disse nydelige blomstene for å dekorere bordet.”

Uten at du er akkurat slik du er, ville ikke disse skjønnhetene vært her for å utsmykke huset.”

Vi har alle vår egne unike feil…

Men det er revnene og feilene vi hver av oss har - som gjør våre liv sammen så interssant og givende.

Du skal ta enhver person for det den er og se etter det gode i dem.

Til alle mine venner.
Ha en fin dag.
Og husk å lukt på blomstene,
på din side av stien.

Here is some good old Chinese wisdom.

翻译 gamine
目的语言: 英语

An elderly Chinese woman had 2 big jars both hanging from each side ot the bar she carried on the neck.

One of the jars had a fissure but the other one was perfect and delivered always a full portion of water.

The leaking jar was always half-full after a long trip from the creek to the house.

This happened daily for 2 years, the woman carried home only one jar and a half.

Of course, the perfect jar was proud of its results.

But the poor leaking jar was ashamed of its performance and unhappy doing only half of what it was made for.

One day, after 2 years of what it felt like a bitter error it spoke to the woman down by the creek.

"I'm ashamed of myself because the fissure on my side makes the water leak all the way to your house."

The elderly woman smiled! "Did you notice there are flowers on your side of the bar but none on the other side?"

"It's because I have always known about your leak,
so I have planted seeds on your side of the path and every day when we go back home you have been watering them."

"For 2 years I have been able to pick up these beautiful flowers to decorate the table."

Without being exactly the one you are would these beauties have been here to embellish the house?

We all have our unique errors.

But the fissures and errors each of us has are what makes our lives so interesting and rewarding.

You shall take people for what they are and look for the good in them.

To all my friends.
Have a nice day.
And remember to smell the flowers
on your side of the path.
Have done my best, bur anyway Pia, thanks to you, dear friend.
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2009年 二月 28日 11:53



2009年 二月 24日 01:57

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Hi Gamine, Hi Pia,
this text holds a nice message.

An elderly Chinese woman had 2 big jars both hanging from each side of the bar (-) she carried on the neck.

One of the jars had a fissure, but the other one was perfect and delivered always a full portion of water.

The leaking jar was always half- full after a long trip from the creek to the house.

This happened daily for 2 years, the woman carried home only one jar and a half.

Of course, the perfect jar was proud of its results.

But the poor leaking jar was ashamed of its performance and unhappy doing only half of what it was made for.

One day, after 2 years of what it felt like a bitter error it spoke to the woman down by the creek.

"I'm ashamed of myself because the fissure on my side makes the water leak all the way to your house."





But (-) the fissures and(-) errors each of us has are what makes our lives so interesting and rewarding.

You shall take each person for what it is and look for the good inside them. (This line has to be corrected later, there's a mix of pronouns, perhaps the original is faulty...)

To all my friends.
Have a nice day.
And remember to smell (-) the flowers
on your side of the path.

2009年 二月 24日 12:29

文章总计: 4611
Thanks for your help, Lilian, Some of the faults are just crazy. Suppose I was a bit tired at the end. Have edited.
What concerns this line: "Du ska ta enhver person for det den er og se etter det gode i dem" I'd still
translate it the same way.

2009年 二月 24日 12:42

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Yeah, there are days when we really need some rest

About that line, I know the original says that, however we will have to adapt the pronouns to sound correct in English.

"You shall take each person for what it is and look for the good inside them"

"each person" is singular, therefore we couldn't use "them" to refer to each person.
My suggestion:

"You shall take people for what they are and look for the good inside them"

What do you think?

2009年 二月 24日 12:51

文章总计: 4611
How can I refuse such a good suggestion. May I edit?

2009年 二月 24日 13:00

文章总计: 4611
Have edited according to you suggestion.

2009年 二月 27日 00:28

文章总计: 1524
Nice story Pia and Lene

IMO the Norwegian text and the English text are equal

2009年 二月 27日 00:37

文章总计: 4611
Thanks a lot Bamsa. And have to say that your last Danish translation was not bad. Don't understand the source language but the Danish was fluent.

CC: Bamsa

2009年 二月 27日 08:57

文章总计: 8114
Agree with Bamsa!
Great job Lene, thanks

2009年 二月 27日 11:58

文章总计: 4611
Thanks Pia. But it isn't validated yet and moreover the Norwegian wasn't difficult,so.!!!!

2009年 二月 28日 10:11

文章总计: 6
a older chinese.......

2009年 二月 28日 14:58

文章总计: 8114
Here is the "outcome" from this translation.
The link is slow, but it's worth waiting ....
Thank you Lene (again) and also Lilian.

2009年 二月 28日 15:04

文章总计: 4611
Have already tried to open it before, but my pc refused, and of course, it CAN'T be MY fault.

2009年 二月 28日 15:10

文章总计: 8114
No, it can't, the link is slow... as I told

2009年 二月 28日 15:14

文章总计: 4611
Slow - no. Veeeeeryyyyy slow.

2009年 二月 28日 15:16

文章总计: 8114
But must have some patience, thats all