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翻译 - 拉丁语-英语 - horum autem distributore gratiarum iuxta...

本文可用以下语言: 拉丁语英语

horum autem distributore gratiarum iuxta...
提交 jairhaas
源语言: 拉丁语

horum autem distributore gratiarum iuxta largifluam bonitatem suam conferente spiritu sancto primum ordinem, scilicet legalem explicuimus totum moysi pentateuchum transeuntes, quo velut grandi fenore liberati ad Iosue manum mittimus; cum enim de legalibus actum sit, de prophetalibus agi consequens est.

Pentateuch and Propeths

翻译 Efylove
目的语言: 英语

But since the Holy Ghost, who distributes graces according to His copious goodness, assignes the first division of these books, of course we have unrolled the book of the law going through the whole Pentateuch of Moses to the point of laying a hand on Joshua, as we were relieved from a due; then, after having discussed about the books of the law, it's logical to discuss about the books of the prophets.
"unrolled" could also be translated "explained"
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2009年 十月 12日 17:07