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提交 pias
源语言: 瑞典语

3 msk ytterst finhackade syltade apelsinskal
2-3 msk apelsinlikör alt. konjak (kan uteslutas alt. bytas mot pressad apelsinsaft)
200 g vit blockchoklad
2 msk smör
0,75 dl vispgrädde

Låt apelsinskalen dra i likören /konjaken en stund.

Riv chokladen
Koka upp grädden
Häll grädden över den rivna chokladen o tillsätt smör + "Apelsin-hacket"
Rör jämnt och låt svalna en stund. (gärna i kyl) -ju längre tid den står...desto fastare.
Rulla små kulor, Spritsa eller Häll ut på bakplåtspapper o skär i bitar.
Doppa i choklad, florsocker, kokos eller liknande…
2011年 十一月 22日 20:52



2011年 十一月 24日 16:36

文章总计: 8114
Why is my request STILL in standby?
There's a lot of points on my account!!

CC: Francky5591

2011年 十一月 24日 16:46

文章总计: 1524
You are an administrator, why don't you release it by yourself

2011年 十一月 24日 17:08

文章总计: 8114
I thought it was our SUPERADMINS task to do that.

2011年 十一月 24日 17:31

文章总计: 1524
They gave you the power to do that

2011年 十一月 24日 18:00

文章总计: 12396
hehe! ("You've got the POweeer!"

As it is a recipe, I added French as a target language!

What is it? Is it a kind of Apfelstrudel

2011年 十一月 24日 18:17

文章总计: 8114
It's a truffle FRANCK!!

Thanks, I found it a bit unethical to release my own requests... that's all.

2011年 十一月 24日 18:21

文章总计: 8114
Orange Chocolate Truffles

2011年 十一月 24日 18:41

文章总计: 12396
Oho! Nice too!

About the stand-by, I noticed that, and released my own requests, so next time you can do it, nothing unethical in it my dear Pia, you've got the points for the translation but the server seems not to take it in consideration, so we've got to f do it "manually". By the way, also feel free to release any request submitted by any other user who has enough points, that's what I use to do as an admin!

2011年 十一月 24日 22:02

文章总计: 8114

2011年 十一月 24日 23:26

Aneta B.
文章总计: 4487
If Cucumis got a "like" button as FB does, I would use it here...

2011年 十一月 25日 12:16

文章总计: 8114
Oh... for Ernst, Frank or my post?
I AGREE a 'like button' would be nice ANETA

FRANK: forgot to say yesterday: It would be good if you Lilian or Jp alert ALL admins, level 1-3 (not only the 'new ones') when a new task is put on our 'duties'. I once was told to not touch 'big requests' in stand-by, (and since I alwaays do as told ;-)) I have skipped to check them, sorry -had no idea it was another thing on our 'shoulders'.

I actually thought they were handled automatically by the system or (if needed) a task for you, Lilian or Jp to take care of.

So (about the unethical point of wiev) since I thought the 'big requess' should be taken care of by superduperadmins, why should I release my own requests? :-D I think THAT would have been to make use of my powers!!

CC: Francky5591

2011年 十一月 25日 13:09

文章总计: 12396
Don't worry, I understood your point, but if you replaced "power" by "tools", it will seem less "unethical" It is said, in the description of tasks admins 2 and more can perform : "They can do almost everything on cucumis...", so what I said above is included in the things they can do because they've got the tools to do it, thus they should do it when they notice the limits of the server, or when they are asked to do so by members who can't do it themselves. I'm talking about admins level 2 and more because here for such tasks, admins level 2 have got the tools to do that as well as admins 3 or 4. (according to the description, Lilian and I are admins level 4, as for JP he's the webmaster, and theorically he can do everything -eg : edit the interface, which Lilian and I cannot do-)

On Facebook they have the thumb up/thumb down stuff, here we have the and one!

2011年 十一月 25日 13:11

文章总计: 8114
Yes Franck (I know what's written there) but as said I once was told to NOT take care of those 'big requests'.

BTW. There is no 'tumb down' on FB

2011年 十一月 25日 16:01

Aneta B.
文章总计: 4487
I'm giving I like it to the whole discussion thread.

BTW. Our rather represents "I agree", "I confirm", not "I like it". "Thumb up" has got a bit different meaning...

2011年 十一月 25日 16:15

文章总计: 8114
And I your design

2011年 十一月 25日 16:19

Aneta B.
文章总计: 4487