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翻译 - 英语-法语 - hi honey, how are you?

本文可用以下语言: 波斯語英语法语匈牙利语

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hi honey, how are you?
提交 evahongrie
源语言: 英语 翻译 shiriiin

hi honey, how are you? are you okay? please call Saeed as soon as possible. He wants to tell you something. He says track your business, and if you are waiting for money, we will send you some. Love you. bye :-*:-*:x

Salut chéri, comment vas-tu?

翻译 bonta
目的语言: 法语

Salut chéri, comment vas-tu? Tout va bien? Appelle Saeed dès que possible s'il te plaît. Il veut te dire quelque chose. Il te dit de bien suivre ton activité, et si tu as besoin d'argent, nous t'en enverrons.
Je t'aime. Au revoir :-*:-*:x
Written as if it was a women writing to a man.
Can be modified accordingly with some context.

The English text is slightly disorganized, therefore I adapted to the best possible meaning.
Francky5591认可或编辑 - 2014年 一月 22日 10:45