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原始文本 - 英语 - no so quel che mi succede quando sono insieme a...

本文可用以下语言: 英语乌克兰语

讨论区 歌曲

no so quel che mi succede quando sono insieme a...
提交 denishuaman
源语言: 英语

I don't know what happens to me when I am beside you
your smile hypnotizes me
your glance yields to me
and there's nothing inside me
I melt like snow when the sun is near
[and when we go somewhere I never choose] because the only thing I want is to stay with you
My life revolves around you because there's something in your face and inside you that I like
it attracts me and it steals my heart
I just edited this, and I had to change quite a bit. But there's one phrase I still can't figure out: "and when we go somewhere I never choose" - so I put it in brackets, but my guess is that it means "I never choose to go anywhere with you" - that would make sense in the context of the rest of the line. But I don't understand why the requester didn't submit it in his/her own language - the English was quite difficult to fix. -- kafetzou
上一个编辑者是 kafetzou - 2007年 二月 8日 15:15