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翻訳 - ノルウェー語-英語 - En-frihetsgradsystemer og modellering av...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: ノルウェー語英語

カテゴリ 説明

En-frihetsgradsystemer og modellering av...
原稿の言語: ノルウェー語

En-frihetsgradsystemer og modellering av kontinuerlige systemer ved bruk av generaliserte koordinater. Egenfrekvens-beregning for bjelker ved bruk av differentialligninga og energimetoden. Beregning av tvungen respons i tids- og frekvensplan, modal superposisjon. Respons i skipsskrog og bevegelse av typiske havkonstruksjoner så som flytere, pendeltårn og strekkstangplattformer. Irregulære bølger og bølgespektra, korttids- og langtidsstatistikk for bølger. Bruk av overføringsfunksjoner
this text talks about thr contenents of a course of marine dynamic at the university.

One degree of freedom systems and modelling of

翻訳の言語: 英語

One degree of freedom systems and modeling of continuous systems using generalised co-ordinates. Eigenfrequency-calculation of beams using the differential equation energy method. Calculation of forced response in time and frequency domain modal superposition. Response in ship-hill and motion of typical floating structures e.g. floaters, and tension leg platforms. Irregular waves and wave spectra, short-time and long-time statistics of waves. Transfer functions

One degree of freedom systems and modelling of continuous systems using generalised co-ordinates. Eigenfrequency-calculation of beams using the differential equation energy method. Calculation of forced response in time and frequency domain modal superposition. Response in ship-hill and motion of typical floating structures e.g. floaters, and tension leg platforms. Irregular waves and wave spectra, short-time and long-time statistics of waves. Transfer functions
最終承認・編集者 dramati - 2008年 1月 25日 08:05