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翻訳 - ルーマニア語-英語 - ÃŽn ceasul dulce al primăverii aÅŸ vrea să-Å£i spun...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: ルーマニア語英語

カテゴリ 愛 / 友情

În ceasul dulce al primăverii aş vrea să-ţi spun...
原稿の言語: ルーマニア語

În ceasul dulce al primăverii aş vrea să-ţi spun că te iubesc, că eşti un soare pentru mine şi să-ţi cer să nu mă părăseşti, fără tine nu am aer, fără tine nu respir... Te doresc prea mult iubite, te iubesc şi te ador.
A minha namorada é romena, e enviou-me esta mensagem, mas não a consigo compreender completamente, e ela pergunta-me constantemente por ela. Agradeço a ajuda.

In the sweet time of spring

翻訳の言語: 英語

In the sweet time of spring I would like to tell you that I love you, that you are like a sun to me; I would like to ask you to never leave me. I am breathless without you, I don't breathe without you... I want you too much, my love. I love you and adore you.
最終承認・編集者 iepurica - 2009年 2月 21日 17:15



2009年 2月 4日 19:22

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi Tzicu, could that "hour of spring " be "springtime"?

2009年 2月 4日 19:51

投稿数: 493
Hello Lilly,

The author of the source text inclines to be poetical and if I try and change it into 'springtime' the lyric is a little bit lost. It is not so much about the season of spring ('springtime') as it is about a time/hour when the character wishes to convey his/her love statement.
If the Romanian text had said something like:
"În timpul dulce al primăverii", or
"În anotimpul dulce al primăverii",
then "springtime" would have "fit" the context.
I think I am not wrong if I say that another term for "hour" could be "moment", though "hour" renders a longer period of time, while "moment" renderes a shorter period of time (of course, duh . But because of its poetical feature, that detail might not matter so much. Even if "hour" and "moment" are two different words and the translation would not be so much a "word by word" one, I think the meaning behind it would be well preserved.

I hope I have not turned to be too boring by trying to tell you my idea about it.
Thank you for your patience.

2009年 2月 4日 19:59

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
No problem, just an idea, it sounds a bit strange in English, but not wrong. I'll set a poll.

2009年 2月 5日 13:24

投稿数: 2102
I would have said "in this sweet time of spring". Does this sound better, Lilian?

2009年 2月 5日 14:08

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Yes, it would sound better.

CC: iepurica

2009年 2月 5日 19:44

投稿数: 493
Thank you Iepurica.
I shall change it.
