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翻訳 - ポーランド語-英語 - Jest blad ! Niestety ale musze obnizyc jedna...現状 翻訳
カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール  この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 | Jest blad ! Niestety ale musze obnizyc jedna... | | 原稿の言語: ポーランド語
Jest błąd! Niestety, ale muszę obniżyć jedną gwiazdkę. Aplikacja potrafi się wyłączyć i nie pokazuje prędkości. Pomaga wyczyszczenie danych aplikacji. Całość fajna, ale ten błąd trochę psuje całość. Sytuację miałem już 3 razy. Telefon note 2. | | I introduced Polish characters and correct punctuation into the text (Wprowadziłam polskie litery i poprawną interpunkcję do tekstu)
<Aneta B.>
Before edits (przed zmianami): "Jest blad ! Niestety ale musze obnizyc jedna gwiazdke. Aplikacja potrafi sie wylaczyc i nie pokazuje predkosci. Pomaga wyczyszczenie danych aplikacji. Calosc fajna ale ten blad troche psuje calosc. Sytuacje mialem juz 3 razy. Telefon note 2". |
 否決された翻訳 | | | 翻訳の言語: 英語
There is an error! Sorry, but I have to decrease the rate by one star. The application may be switched off and doesn't show the speed. It helps to clear the application data. The whole is fine, but the problem spoils it all a bit. It's already happened to me three times. Phone note 2. |
Leinによって拒否されました - 2013年 6月 28日 08:49
最新記事 | | | | | 2013年 6月 14日 23:54 | | | My suggestion:
There is an error! It's apity, but I have to decreese the rate by one star. The application might run out and fails to show the speed. It enables the clearing of application data. Entirety is fine, however that error messes up the entirety a little bit. That situation took place 3 times. Phone note 2. | | | 2013年 6月 17日 10:37 | | | Hi durkilis,
Thanks for the suggestions. I like them, especially on the second sentence. I didn't know it was referring to a decreasing rate. I'm not a computer games player.  That's why I gave a word for word translation. But you may be right. "Lowering a star" here might have meant "decreasing rate" indeed.
I'm not just sure of your suggestion for a penultimate sentence. An expression "situation took place" sounds too general to me. Notice that, originally, the author informed that it (=the situation) happened TO HIM. What do you think?
 | | | 2013年 6月 27日 10:23 | | | Hello both
I have a few questions about the meaning of the text.
- From Aneta's translation I thought that the application could be switched off (by the user). Is it correct that instead, this should be that it stops working (by itself)?
- What doe sthe text say about clearing the application data? From durklis' suggestion, I read that by decreasing the rate by one star, clearing of the application data is possible; from Aneta's translation, I had the impression that clearing of the application data would help solve the problem.
- Entirety / the whole: Would 'the application as a whole' work? The application as a whole is fine, but the problem/issue/error messes it up a bit.
Thanks! CC: durklis | | | 2013年 6月 27日 13:12 | | | My suggestion:
There is an error. Unfortunately, I have to decrease the rate by one star. The application may shut down and does not show the velocity. Clearing the application data might help. The application as a whole is fine, but this problem messes it up a bit.
As for the 4th sentence, it was correct before editing ("Pomaga wyczyszczenie danych aplikacji"  , as it refers to the action that might help solving the problem, and not to the application itself and the options it has.
The problem is that the application stops working and does not show the velocity and that is why the rate will be decreased. What might help tackling this issue, however, is clearing of the app data.
| | | 2013年 6月 27日 16:06 | | | Now I can see I misunderstood the text. Agako is right. I shouldn't have corrected the sentence!
"Pomaga wyczyszczenie danych aplikacji"
"Umożliwia wyczyszczenie danych aplikacji"
I got confused because of the verb at the beginning of the sentence (in Polish a verb stands usually after a subject, so I thought that the subject is default in this case).
Here the subject is following the verb, so I should have read "pomaga" as "jest pomocne" (is helpful) and the meaning of the sentence is: "cleaning application data is helpful (or: might help)".
I'm not conversant with computer programming language.  Maybe you should reject my translation and give a chance to somebody else, Lein.
I'm sorry everybody for the faulty translation.
p.s. After you read this, I'll rewrite the sentence in the Polish version. | | | 2013年 6月 28日 08:49 | | | Thanks for the explanations
I will reject the translation now, so you can re-correct the Polish version and then you or someone else can have another go. (I don't like rejecting translations but it seems the simplest solution in this case  )
Thanks and I'm sure I'll see you all again for the evaluation of the next translation  | | | 2013年 7月 1日 14:32 | | | Thank you, Lein.
Polish request already re-corrected and released. |
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