Cucumis - 無料オンライン翻訳サイト
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翻訳 - スペイン語-英語 - Hola: Soy una usuaria de esta pagina desde hace...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: スペイン語フランス語英語

カテゴリ 口語体の - 愛 / 友情

Hola: Soy una usuaria de esta pagina desde hace...
原稿の言語: スペイン語

Soy una usuaria de esta pagina desde hace tiempo y,finalemente,me decidi a dar la cara y a crear un perfil aqui.
No estoy verificada ni lo voy a estar.Ya he recibido algunos mensajes acusandome de fake y de otras lindezas.Podeis intentar buscar mis fotos en internet,utilizando las muchas herramientas que hay para tal fin.
Tengo un perfil en facebook,pero no lo voy a poner aqui,asi que si me encontrais alli,TACHAN! Os habreis llevado un premio!!!.

Hi! I've been a user on this page

翻訳の言語: 英語

Hi! I've been a user on this page for a long time and I've finally decided to show my face and create a profile here.

I'm not verified nor do I intend to be. I've already received some messages accusing me of being fake and other improprieties.

You can try to find my photos online by using the many tools that exist to this aim.

I have a facebook profile, but I'm not going to post it here. So if you find me there, OHO! You've got a prize!

Please explain what you mean by fake? Do they think your profile is fake?

Is Tachan a name?

Your last comment did not seem to connect with the rest of your message either. "You have got a prize?" Please explain? Is this a separate translation?
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2015年 1月 22日 01:29



2015年 1月 21日 22:33

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi, gomincucumis.

Your translation is mostly fine, however there are still a few misunderstandings to be corrected.

Hi! I've been a user on this page for a long time and I've finally decided to show my face and create a profile here.

I'm not verified nor do I intend to be. I've already received some messages accusing me of being fake and other improprieties.

You can try to find my photos online by using the many tools that exist to this aim.

I have a facebook profile, but I'm not going to post it here. So if you find me there, OHO! You've got a prize!

I hope you agree, if not, feel free to post your comments, OK?

2015年 1月 21日 23:08

投稿数: 2
It seems OK to me. The only difference I saw was the translation of "Tachan" which I had mistaken for a name.

My last translation is basically saying the same thing in American English, however, yours is good too.

2015年 1月 22日 01:28

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Before edits:

Hi! I've been a user on this page since I can remember.

So, I ended up deciding to show my face and create a profile here.

I'm not verified nor do I intend to do so. I'm still receiving some messages accusing me of deceptive practices or being a fake.

You can try to find my photos online by using the tools that exist.

I have a facebook profile, but I'm not going to post it here. So you can find me on facebook instead, TACHAN.

You have got a prize!