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Source language
Albanian hajt marshallah, marshallah
ku m'je nis moj bukuri
zanin tan po du me ndi
kur degjoj moj zanin tand
gjumi i nates z'don mem zane (2x)

(ref 2x)
hajt marshallah, marshallah
kalojm naten me sevda

hiqe pak moj at shami
sa ta shoh syrin e zi
kur ta shoh moj syrin tand
gjumi i nates z'don mem zane (2x)

ti nga vjen, ngadal shkon
i hap krahet si shqiponje
fluturo me krah perpjete
kta dushmant let plasin krejt (2x)
It's a song.

Completed translations
English You're so nice
Source language
French Pour quelqu'un qui est loin
Je ne t'oublierai pas, mon ange.
Mon hirondelle, je te porterai toujours dans mon coeur.
merci à vous de m'aider à traduire ces 2 petites phrases en BRETON pour une personne qui vit loin de moi.

Completed translations
Breton D'unan a zo deus oudon
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Ce qui se passe en Bretagne, reste en Bretagne.
Ce qui se passe en Bretagne, reste en Bretagne.

Completed translations
Breton Ar pezh a c'hoarvez e Breizh a chom e Breizh.
Source language
Albanian si duket ky perdendimi si shperthimi Gerdecit...
si duket ky perdendimi si shperthimi Gerdecit
kur kam vendosur keteperendim gerdecin kam kujtuar
te vdes une per te sa i mire.marshallaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
shyqyr qe kemi face book qe te lidhemi me njera tjetren.....nga behesh ne kohe u bene pa u ve ndonje foto te te shohim...puc

mi stanno scrivendo sul facebook ma non so cosa mi scrivono...aiutoo

Completed translations
Italian Come sembra questo tramonto,sembra come l esplosione di Gerdec
Source language
Danish Den lille bog om de store chefer
En chef er en general,
som rider alle storme af,
blot det ikke blæser for meget.

Overskriften er en titel på en humoristisk bog om chefer.

Completed translations
English boss
Source language
Spanish No quiero estar sin ti Si tu no estas aqui me...
No quiero estar sin ti
Si tu no estas aqui me sobra el aire
No quiero estar asi
Si tu no estas la gente se hace nadie.

Completed translations
Dutch Zonder jou
Croatian Ne želim biti bez tebe
Serbian Bez tebe
Bosnian ljubav/prijateljstvo
Source language
Breton Son Ar Chistr
Ev'chistr'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat, loñla,
Ev' chistr 'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat.

Ur blank ur blank ar chopinad, loñla,
Ur blank ur blank ar chopinad.
текст скорее всего на бретонском языке, поскольку переводчики онлайн с ирландского и валлийского не справились с переводом
Можно перевести на английский (British English)

Completed translations
English Drink, Laou
Russian Пей, Лау
Ukrainian Пий, Лау
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Tudo é uma questão de manter a mente quieta, a...
Tudo é uma questão de manter a mente quieta, a espinha ereta e o coração tranqüilo.
<Bridge by Lilian>

"Everything is a matter of keeping the mind quiet, the spine erect and the heart calm."

Completed translations
French Tout est une question ...
Latin Omnia sunt in
Source language
Turkish bağımlı değil, bağlı olacaksın..!
bağımlı değil, bağlı olacaksın..!
herhangi birşeye, şehire ,insana,işine..vs bağımlı olmuşcasına yaşamak değil..oraya bağlı olarak yaşamak anlamında
(bağlı=içten bağlılık,)
örn:değerlerine bağlı ama bağımlı değildir cümle bütünlüğü gibi.

Completed translations
French Tu dois
Italian Non essere dipendente, sii fedele!
Latin Noli dependere, fidelis sis.
Persian language باید معتقد باشی، نه وابسته!
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Rio é fantastico mesmo,gostaria de morar...
O Rio é fantástico mesmo. Gostaria de morar lá apesar dos problemas. Quando você pretende voltar para lá?
Text corrected/diacritics edited <Lilian>

Completed translations
Swedish Rio är verkligen fantastiskt
Source language
English I may arrive late to the meeting today
I may arrive late to the meeting today
I may/might arrive late

Completed translations
Norwegian Det kan hende
Source language
English The volcano may erupt soon
The volcano may erupt soon
it may/might erupt

Completed translations
Norwegian Vulkanen kan ha utbrudd snart.
Source language
English The tables were made by...
The tables were made by a carpentry firm from Kragujevac, Serbia.

Completed translations
Russian Столы
Source language
Spanish Disfruta de la vida siendo tú mismo y obtendrás...
Disfruta de la vida siendo tú mismo y obtendrás la felicidad
Hola! a ver si alguien me puede traducir esta oración al Latin, ya que quiero hacerme un tatuaje que tiene mucho significado para mi. gracias

<Bridge by Lilian>

"Enjoy life being yourself and you will get happiness"

Completed translations
Latin Naturam tuam sequens carpe diem et beatitudinem consequeris.
Source language
English every cloud has a silver lining
every cloud has a silver lining

Completed translations
Latin Tegmen argenteum omnibus nubibus est.
Source language
Greek ζήσε την κάθε μέρα σαν να είναι η τελευταία σου
ζήσε την κάθε μέρα σαν να είναι η τελευταία σου

Completed translations
Latin Velut si extremus dies sit
Source language
French Je fais confiance à tout le monde, ce dont je me...
Je fais confiance à tout le monde, ce dont je me méfie c'est du diable se trouvant en chaque homme.
j'ai besoin d'aide pour traduire cette phrase en latin car une connaissace souhaite se la faire tatouer.

Merci d'avance

Completed translations
Latin Omnibus confido...
Source language
Spanish "Cuando 1 persona te atrae significa que tu...
Cuando una persona te atrae significa que tu subconsciente es atraído por su subconsciente y lo que llamamos destino, sólo son dos neurosis que hacen buena pareja.
La traducción al inglés si pudiese ser en inglés americano.

Completed translations
English When a person attracts you...
Latin Ubi una persona te attrahit ...
Esperanto Kiam unu homo allogas vin, tio signifas, ke...
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