Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Umseting - Danskt-Enskt - Begravelse

Núverðandi støðaUmseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: DansktEnskt

Framborið av HelleH
Uppruna mál: Danskt

Vi steg ud, min far åbnede bagagerummet og tog kransen ud. Vi gik op mod kirken, min far bar kransen og sørgede for at holde den så højt, at silkebåndet ikke slæbte hen ad jorden. Dem fra hendes klasse havde vindjakker på, almindeligt tøj, de var ikke i sort som os. Jeg tænkte på fugle. Vi gav hånd og hilste på dem alle sammen, de havde kolde hænder og blev udenfor, da vi gik ind i kirken for at lægge kransen.


Umsett av pias
Ynskt mál: Enskt

We stepped out; my father opened the trunk and picked up the wreath. We went up to the church, my father carried the wreath and tried to hold it high enough to prevent the silk ribbon from being dragged along the ground. The ones from her class had wind jackets on, everyday clothes; they were not wearing black like us. I thought about birds. We shook hands and greeted everyone, they had cold hands and stayed outside when we went into the church to put down the wreath.
Góðkent av lilian canale - 26 Apríl 2009 15:18

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25 Apríl 2009 14:32

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
Hi Pia,

a few remarks:

luggage space ---> trunk/boot

"...and tried to hold it high enough to prevent the silk ribbon from being dragged along the ground"

the same kind as ours (I guess your are referring to the clothes)

we shaked hands ---> we shook hands

every one ---> everyone

was left outside? what? I didn't get this part.

25 Apríl 2009 14:56

Tal av boðum: 8114
Sweet Lilian,
sometimes you are too kind and correct my bad translations. I don't mind if you reject faulty ones, I understand! THANKS a lot for taking time with this one.

I think "os" refer to people, "us" here, maybe it's better to write: "they were not the same kind as we were" ??

"was left outside", meaning = they didn't followed into the church, they stayed outside.

25 Apríl 2009 15:16

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
OK, if "os" refers to the people, the line would sound better as: "they were different from us"

And if "was left outside" refers to the people, it should be "were left outside" or better yet: "stayed outside" (no comma after that)

What do you think?

25 Apríl 2009 15:22

Tal av boðum: 8114
I think I've already corrected ---> your suggestions, THANKS!

Shall I set a poll?

25 Apríl 2009 15:23

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
Poll set!

25 Apríl 2009 16:32

Tal av boðum: 4611
"de var ikke i sort som os"
. This line isn't translated. Don't know if it's important.In English: they were not (dressed) in black as we were".

25 Apríl 2009 16:39

Tal av boðum: 1524
I agree with gamine

"de var ikke i sort som os" is not the same as "they were different from us"

25 Apríl 2009 16:41

Tal av boðum: 8114
That's important Lene, thanks a lot! (I didn't knew that "sort" = "black".)

Lilian ...may I correct?

25 Apríl 2009 16:49

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972