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Vertaling - Kroatisch-Engels - Draga Karina

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: KroatischEngels

Categorie Brief/E-Mail

Draga Karina
Opgestuurd door ivanko.2
Uitgangs-taal: Kroatisch

Ti si jedna jako pametna djevojka, kao i svaki tinejđer imaš različit pogled na svijet i svoj stav. No, i ja sam tinejđer,i znam da vrlo često svoje viđenje svijeta jedino smatramo ispravnim, što ponekad za same nas nije dobro. To mišljenje prevlada nad nama i sve ostalo za nas je pogrješno i ne izlazimo iz tog tunela, Trebaš biti otvorenija i pozitivnija, svijet pomatrati s vedrije strane i ne dopustiti da tobom vladaju negativna mišljenja i osječanja.
Svijet oko nas nije savršen, no ako se malo potrudiš mogao bi se za makar malo uljepšati i učiniti privlačnijim.
Ali ipak najvažnije je prihvatiti sebe, zatim svoje društvo i okolinu, i krenuti dalje.
Biti mlad i tako gledati na svijet nije dobro, što će tek biti za nekoliko godina

Dear Karina

Vertaald door NPazarka
Doel-taal: Engels

You’re a very smart girl. As any other teenager you’ve got a different view on the world and your own opinion
But I’m also a teenager and very often we see our own opinions as the ones to be true, which sometimes isn’t a good thing for us. That kind of thinking masters us and the rest is seen in the wrong way so we’re not getting out of that tunnel.
You’ve got to be more open and more positive, you’ve got to look at life from a brighter side and you don’t have to let any negative thoughts and feelings take you over. The world around us isn’t perfect but if you try a little, it could at least become a bit more beautiful and more attractive.
But the most important thing is that you accept yourself, then your friends and the ones around you and from there you move on.
Being young and looking at life in that way isn’t good, what will happen in a couple of years?
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lilian canale - 25 mei 2008 16:25