Vertimas - Čekų-Anglų - Ospravedlnujem sa za neskoru odpoved, ale z...Esamas statusas Vertimas
| Ospravedlnujem sa za neskoru odpoved, ale z... | | Originalo kalba: Čekų
Ospravedlnujem sa za neskoru odpoved, ale z povodnej adresy /inmail/ sa mi neda poslat odpoved. Tak mi zmenili adresu / namiesto inmail - zoznam/. Takze ku psikom : okrem civav, maltezov, yorkov, mame este tri steniatka shih tzu, dvoch chlapcov a jednu babu. Ale vzhladom na vzdialenost k Vam to asi nie je aktualne.Zdravim Vas Ponúkam na predaj 7 týždňové Äistokrvné ,rozkoÅ¡né, hravé Å¡teniatka Shitzu bez PP, zaoÄkované,odÄervené možný odber hneÄ |
| | VertimasAnglų Išvertė Cisa | Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Anglų
I would like to apologise for not responding sooner, but I can´t send you a reply from my present address (Inmail). So we have changed address (from Inmail to Zoznam). As for the dogs: beside Chihuahuas, Maltese, Yorks we also have three Shi Tzu puppies, one female and two males. But taking into account the distance for you this might be late. Greetings.
7 weeks old, clear blooded, charming and playful Shi Tzu puppies for sale! Without register, vaccinated, wormedd, can be taken immediately! |
Paskutinės žinutės | | | | | 9 balandis 2008 14:40 | | | PP is not translated, it is Prukaz Puvodu, which means certificate of dog origin | | | 9 balandis 2008 15:45 | |  CisaŽinučių kiekis: 765 | Oh, dÃky! I didn´t realise what PP was, so I left is like that.... Now corrected! Thank you! | | | 9 balandis 2008 15:38 | |  CisaŽinučių kiekis: 765 | Hi Babu! Thanks, I ´ve corrected it. CC: babu2 | | | 9 balandis 2008 21:48 | | | It is translated into wrong language. The tranlater used Slovak, not Czech. | | | 10 balandis 2008 14:55 | |  CisaŽinučių kiekis: 765 | Monik,
Please, read the whole page before you post!
No, it is not translated INTO a wrong language!!  The target language was English, the translation is done into English. Of course, the source language seems to be Slovak, but that does not make a huge difference and my translation is still correct! | | | 10 balandis 2008 14:55 | |  CisaŽinučių kiekis: 765 | Dear Lilly!
Please accept this translation before I go mad!  The message about PP was correct, but since it´s a letter-word, it could have also stayed PP. (But of course thanks to Babu, I´ve corrected it!) But the other girl voted ´Wrong´ just because the source language is Slovak, not Czech, but she has to vote concerning the ENGLISH translation. Please, don´t take into account such incorrect and stupid messages. Thank you so much!
CC: lilian canale | | | 10 balandis 2008 15:35 | | | | | | 10 balandis 2008 16:12 | | |  A stupid question, Cisa : Is there a big difference between Czech and Slovak language?
What did people speak when the country Czechoslovakia still existed?
| | | 17 balandis 2008 23:35 | | | Hi, there is not big difference between Czech and Slovak language, although they are not same languages. When Czechoslovakia still existed, Czechs used Czech language, Slovaks used Slovak language but we communicated together a lot, we had TV programs in both languages, you could buy books in Czech/Slovak language in whole country etc. Thats why Czechs/Slovaks understand the other language almost as if they were native speakers (and we can of course write in our CVs that we have very good knowledge of that language so we all look like linguistic experts  ). | | | 17 balandis 2008 23:42 | | | Just for you to see the difference, this is how would source text look like in Czech language:
"Omlouvám se za pozdnà odpovÄ›Ä, ale z původnà adresy /inmail/ mi nejde poslat odpovÄ›Ä. Takže jsme zmÄ›nili adresu / mÃsto inmail - zoznam/. Takže k psÃkům : kromÄ› Äivav, maltézů, yorků, máme jeÅ¡tÄ› tÅ™i Å¡těňátka shi tzu, dva chlapce a jednu babu. Ale vzhledem ke vzdalenosti k Vam to asi nenà aktualnÃ. Zdravim Vás
NabÃzÃm na prodej 7 týdennà Äistokrevné ,rozkoÅ¡né, hravé Å¡těňátka Shitzu bez PP, oÄkované,odÄervené možný odbÄ›r hneÄ" |
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