I write you sentence by sentence and i tell you when i'm sure 100% and when instead i don't understand the original text:
1)Magistra puellis fabulam de cicada et formica narrat
1)Teacher (a female) tells a story about "a cicada and an ant" to the girls (just female...and young)...100% sure.
2)Discipulae en fabula de cicada et formica
2) The alumns (only girls, as I said) ... story about cicada and ant [it doesn't exist "en" in Latin...is it a complete text?]
3) Cicada erat incauta numquam laborabat
3) Cicada didn't take care of anything and neither used to work (era disinteressata e non lavorava) 100%
4)Laet, semper pulchras cantilenas cantalab
4) Happily, She always sang beautiful songs [at least, i disagree with others cucumers saying that LAET is the cicada'sname MOSTLY BECAUSE PALOAS ISN'T THE ANT NAME.... If Laet would have been Laeta...it means "with happyness"; if it is "Laete"...it means "happily". But since is written Laet, you can choose]It's just an opinion...it could be wrong!
5)Conscientia dicebat cicadae. Cicada pigra , considera vitam tuam, labora escas tibi compara
5) Consciousness said to cicada "cicada lazy, think to your life, work and prepeare food 100%
6) Bruma festinat
6) Winter is coming fast 100%
7) At cicada stulta chordas lyrae pulsabat
7) and the stupid cicada played lira's strings (lira is like a guitar)

O bestiola stulta! Formica econtra semper laborabat

Stupid small beast! Ant XXX always worked [encontra

? i don't know]
9)Paloas, bestiolas mortuas, micas escarum portabat in latebram suam
9)...this sentence make me think that Paloas isn't a Name...because "mortuas" and "bestiolas" are adjective in accusative plural...
if "Paloas" was a name, they have to be in nominative singular!!!
She [the ANT] carryed [portabat] to her lair [in latebram suam]: dead beasts, crumbs of food and PALOAS...
I think Paloas is straw
So i write the translation:
The Teacher tells a story about "a cicada and an ant" to the girls. The alumns ... story about cicada and ant. Cicada didn't take care of anything and neither used to work. Happily, She always sang beautiful songs. Consciousness said to cicada "cicada lazy, think to your life, work and prepeare food. Winter is coming fast. Stupid small beast!" Ant XXX always worked. She carryed to her lair : dead beasts, crumbs of food and straw