Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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Your request has been translated

Your request has been translated

Dear member,

One of your translation requests has just been translated by one of our members. Please click on the following link (or copy and paste the link into your internet browser) to view the list of your requested translations.

While you browse the list, click on the title of a translation to open a page with more details about this translation.

Note that, at the time we sent this email, this translation has not yet been reviewed by our experts and it might be wrong. You will be notified again when the translation has been validated by our experts.
Note that you can reject the translation if you think it's wrong and you can post a message below the translation to give us your opinion about it.

There may be other translations done, but you will not receive any more notifications until you log in again.

If you no longer wish to receive email notifications about your translations being done or validated by experts, please visit the following page.

All the best,
The team.