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268 Nyelvröl forditàs Bu mailler deÄŸil Yardimlariniz için teÅŸekkür ederim fakat istediÄŸim mailler bunlar deÄŸil ben 19.01.2007 öncesinde bana gelen ve benim yolladiÄŸim ÅŸu an çöp kutumda olmayan okunup silinmiÅŸ tüm maillerimin gelen kutuma geri yüklenmesini istiyorum onlar benim için önemli yardim ederseniz sevirim iyi çaliÅŸmalar
YARDIM MAÄ°LÄ° Befejezett forditàsok Not these mails | |
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6 Nyelvröl forditàs Meu anjo Meu anjo <edit by="goncin" date="2007-12-19"> Name removed. </edit>
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Befejezett forditàsok Angelvs mevs ç§ã®å¤©ä½¿ | |
271 Nyelvröl forditàs Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme". Pentru mesaj Zur Nachricht: Gegen diesen Bescheid ist das Rechtsmittel derVorstellung an dern Ausschuss der Tiroler Rechtsanwaltskammer zulassig.Die Vorstellung, die sich nur gegen die Bestrllung des Rechtsanwaltes richten kann,hat keine aufschiebende Wirkung und ist binnen 14 Tagen nach Zustellung dieses Bescheides bei der Tiroler Rechtsan waltskammer einzubringen. Befejezett forditàsok Măsură împotriva deciziei | |
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399 Nyelvröl forditàs On my own work ...but the public attitude towards the verse recital has now so matured that any poet, whether or not he qualifies as a platform personality, is likely to find himself on a platform several times a year. Sometimes it will be in a university auditorium, sometimes in an art galery or community center, sometimes in a nightclub or coffee house. The audience may be ten or twenty; or it may be hundreds, even thousands; what matters is that it is now there. Befejezett forditàsok Kendi iÅŸimde | |
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7 Nyelvröl forditàs Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme". כל ×”×¢×•×œ× ×›×œ ×”×¢×•×œ× eh o nome de uma musica e eu gostaria muito de saber oque ker dizer obrigado, a musica é da cantora maya simantov obg <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Befejezett forditàsok O mundo inteiro. كل العالم | |
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