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Fordítás - Orosz-Angol - Как-то заходил однажды к тебе, и, ...

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : OroszAngol

Témakör Beszélgetés - Szeretet / Baràtsàg

Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".
Как-то заходил однажды к тебе, и, ...
Ajànlo m.a.s
Nyelvröl forditàs: Orosz

Как-то заходил однажды к тебе, и, наверное, твоя подруга была вместо тебя. У меня Интернет плохо работал в тот день, и мы не могли поговорить. Передай мои извинения, если можно. Она догадывается сама о ком речь. Скажи, что о востоковеде.
Вот ник был точно твой, с красными волосами. А турецкий флаг ты думаешь у многих моделей? Я востоковед и заинтересовался, и потому и помню. Ладно, наверное, кто-то другой сидел вместо (тебя).
Ну ладно, желаю всего хорошего и успехов в жизни. До свидания и удачи тебе. А где ответная любезность? Пока-пока. Чтоб весь мир был под твоим каблуком.
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
Edited with Cyrillic script, minor mistakes corrected. <Siberia>

Internet talk

Forditva Felicitas àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

Once, I tried to talk to you, but your friend was probably there instead of you. My Internet worked badly that day and we couldn't talk. If it's possible, tell her that I'm sorry for that. She'll probably guess whom you are talking about. Tell her it's about the orientalist.
The username was definitely yours, with red hair. And do you think a lot of models have a Turkish flag? I'm an orientalist and I got interested, that's why I remember. Ok, I guess probably someone else has signed in from your account. Ok then, wish you all the best. Good luck. Good bye and take care. And where is your reciprocal courtesy? Bye-bye. May all the world be under your thumb.
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
The talk is definitely about some Internet site or programme, that's why I've adjusted some points of the translation according to this meaning. I didn't quite understand the meaning of some phrases in the language of the original - for example, what does red hair have to do with the username? shouldn't it be about a profile picture or smth? but I've translated as it was written.
the idiom "быть под каблуком" was translated using the English analog
Validated by lilian canale - 14 Október 2009 13:11

Legutolsó üzenet


13 Október 2009 21:21

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
Hi Felicitas,
The translation looks fine, but the remarks in a translation into English must be written in English, so that the expert in charge will be able to understand them, OK?

Could you please do that?

13 Október 2009 21:48

Hozzászólások száma: 76

Sorry for that
I've done the editing, so now you can check

14 Október 2009 00:12

Hozzászólások száma: 758
Hi Felicitas!

As for me, I see just 2 things which should be corrected:
Someone has once tried to talk to you... --> Once I've tried to talk to you...(there is nothing about "someone" in the original)

Speak about the orientalist --> Tell her that it's orientalist/Say that you are talking about orientalist

What do you think?

14 Október 2009 00:21

Hozzászólások száma: 76
yeah, thanks, those are nice corrections, I should do them, but I can't edit the translation now - it's being evaluated
how can that be changed?

14 Október 2009 02:06

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
About "Once I've tried..." is fine, but that second change...I don't understand the meaning
could you explain that in different words?

14 Október 2009 06:42

Hozzászólások száma: 2
Как-то ... однажды - once

14 Október 2009 12:31

Hozzászólások száma: 611
Agree with Sunnybebek

The second change:
She’ll probably guess whom you are talking about (about the orientalist)>>> Tell her that about orientalist (you are talking about).