Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Fordítás - Dán-Angol - tidens børn er født med en mus og computer i...

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : DánAngol

Témakör Gondolatok - Gyerekek es tizevesek

Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".
tidens børn er født med en mus og computer i...
Ajànlo sagal
Nyelvröl forditàs: Dán

tidens børn er født med en mus og computer i hånden, de opf'rer sig ikke som børn mere, men de er endnu ikke teenager. børnene er 8 og 12 år, enten man er 5 eller 70 år er ungdommen og dens stil blevet et eftertragtet mål. børn er blevet interessant for reklamebranchen, her hjemme har man lavet et stort projekt på en skole, hvor de undersøger, hvordan forbrug og medie spilller sammen.

The children of today are born with a mouse and computer in their

Forditva pias àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

The children of today are born with a mouse and computer in their hands, they are not behaving like children any more, but they're still not teenagers. The children are between ages 8 and 12, whether you are 5 or 70 years old, youth and its style is a sought-after goal. The children have become interesting targets for the advertising industry, here at home there is a big project going on in a school, where they are investigating whether there is a connection between consumption and the media.
Validated by IanMegill2 - 12 Október 2007 02:06

Legutolsó üzenet


10 Október 2007 14:13

Hozzászólások száma: 1671
The original form of the translation:
The children of today is born with a mouse and computer in their hands,they are not behaving like children any more, but they´re still not teenagers. The children are between age 8-12, either you are 5 or 70 years old the youthful style is a sought-after goal. Children are interested in the branch of advertising, here at home there is a big project going on in a school, where they are investigate whether there is a connection between consumption and media.

10 Október 2007 17:44

Hozzászólások száma: 1670
"børn er blevet interessant for reklamebranchen" doesn´t mean that children are interested in advertising, but that children have become interesting (targets) for the advertising industry.

10 Október 2007 17:56

Hozzászólások száma: 8113
Hi Anita,
oops...I guess that make all the difference,
the meaning of the text.
thanks a LOT for letting me know.

11 Október 2007 16:22

Hozzászólások száma: 253
"the youthful style" lit.: "youth and its style"

12 Október 2007 02:05

Hozzászólások száma: 1671
Thanks everybody!