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10Fordítás - Bulgár-Angol - От доста време се опитвам да ти обясня, че ти...

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : BulgárAngolArab

Témakör Levél / Email - Szeretet / Baràtsàg

От доста време се опитвам да ти обясня, че ти...
Ajànlo kaldata
Nyelvröl forditàs: Bulgár

От доста време се опитвам да ти обясня, че ти трябва да намериш начин да дойдеш в България.Няма начин аз да дойда в Ирак.Там има война и ако аз дойда там няма да напусна страната следващите 20 години.Имам две деца и не бих се лишила от тях.Аз съм сериозен човек и държа на нашето приятелство.Направи опит да пътуваш до Турция или до Сирия.Искам да бъдем няколко дни заедно и да се опознаем. След това, ако Бог реши може и да заживеем заедно. Много те целувам и те чакам.

I've been trying to explain to you...

Forditva Gnomeo àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

I've been trying to explain to you for some time that you should find a way to come to Bulgaria. There is no way for me to go to Iraq. There is a war going on there and if I go I won't be able to leave the country for the next 20 years. I have two children and I don't want to lose them. I am a serious person and I value our friendship. Try to go to Turkey or Syria. I'd like us to be together for a couple of days and get to know each other. Then, if it's God's will, we may decide to live together. I send you many kisses and I will wait for you.
Validated by IanMegill2 - 3 November 2007 00:39

Legutolsó üzenet


1 November 2007 14:39

Hozzászólások száma: 1671
Original form of translation:
I've been trying to explain to you for some time that you should find a way to come to Bulgaria. There is no way for me to come go to Iraq. There is a war going on there and if I go I won't be able to leave the country in the next 20 years. I have two children and I don't want to loose them. I am a serious person and I value our friendship. Try to go to Turkey or Syria. I'd like us to be together for a couple of days and get to know each other. Then, if it's God's will, we may decide to live together. I send you many kisses and I will wait for you.