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| 15 March 2007 18:32 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | Of course those who like Latin don't consider it boring. And I agree that it is a very good exercise not only for learning etymology, but also for the construction of the sentence, the linguistical logic. I studied Latin for 8 years and I was very good as well (I managed sometimes to have 10/10 in my final report). But now I feel able to translate only very easy things (De bello gallico, De bello civile, that I studied in the first couple of years). It's difficult for to maintain practice in modern languages if you don't speak them every day (even English that you can read and hear very often), to maintain practice in latin you must be fresh of classical studies, or be a teacher of Latin, or to work in Vatican City. |
| 15 March 2007 18:49 |
| apple, your post about dead latin native speaker was very funny
OK, now, things seem not very clear again.
a) Do you think that in fact the main problem is not name/latin/homework/proverb translations themselves, but the fact that they are often duplicated ?
b) Do you consider that making the homework of lazy students is a major issue ? Do you think that might discourage you from helping people on cucumis ? Do you think you can evaluate if one request is related to a homework ?
b) Do you consider that name translations are actually very boring ? Do you think that might discourage you from helping people on cucumis ? Do you think we shoould completly ban name translations ? Do you think we should allow name translations with some limitations (force people to give details of what they want, phonetic transcription etc... in the context field) ?
| 15 March 2007 18:52 |
| What about this ?http://www.cucumis.org/translation_1_t/view-the-translation_v_54683.html
| 15 March 2007 20:08 |
| Here, this is one where the girl has got her name translated into Arabic, but as it seems strange to her, she wants to check if the translation is really good and submits her Arabic translation to translation into Bras-Portuguese! (lol!)
| 15 March 2007 22:15 |
| Oh, man!I've just got one important thing: maybe for translators names are boring, but for people who ask it is important. Sometimes they can use it to name a child (or a dog, a cow, a website).My first post in this forum was about give fresh ones an explanation about names translation. |
| 15 March 2007 23:44 |
| And what about the obscene words? I saw one request to translate a single word not good to be told here. A friend of mine got this one:
| 16 March 2007 01:32 |
| Maybe JP could add a CheckBox with a text like "this is a person's name". If a translator finds a person's name without the flag it would be removed.
Maybe, also, if the alphabets are the same and it has the flag it wouldn't be accepted automaticaly.
| 16 March 2007 06:15 |
| Yes I understand that translations of name is important for the people who ask. What we should avoid, is abusive use of this, like people asking the translation into 50 languages.
So I come back again with the warnings to display. Please let me know if some of them are not enough clear or if you wish to modifiy them before I display them. The ideai is not to forbid anything but to encourage people to be wise in their requests.
"Most of the time, translations of names only make sense when what is requested is simply a transcription from one alphabet to another. We will remove all requests not following this rule or with an abusive number of target languages. We might also decide to remove all requests which is not clear enough about what kind of translation you wish (sound, meaning, ...) and not enough commented."
"Please perform a search to be sure your request has not already been submitted by someone else. Duplicated requests will be removed."
"The goal of cucumis is not to do your homework. We might decide to remove abusive/repetitive homework submitions."
| 16 March 2007 13:40 |
| I think it's good now!But how to know when the number of target languages become abusive?I think three is enough. |
| 16 March 2007 15:11 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | What about proverbs and similars?
"lo que no me mata me fortalece", for instance, I just don't know how many times I saw it. |
| 16 March 2007 15:31 |
| This should go to Please perform a search to be sure your request has not already been submitted by someone else. Duplicated requests will be removed |
| 16 March 2007 15:47 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | OK. We could as well try and see if/how it works. |
| 16 March 2007 16:17 |
| Some numbers:about 275 requests for "lo que no me mata me fortalece"
more then 500 for "I love you"
I can´t remember now other repetition.
(Counting on Google ommiting repetition) |
| 16 March 2007 16:20 |
| Wow - those are impressive numbers! I'm guessing that they're somewhat inflated by the fact that when you do a google search and Cucumis comes up, several different language versions for the same translation tend to come up.
OK; now some more reactions:
1) I like the solution for duplicated requests. I also think that we experts should be able to red-flag a request if we recognize it as a duplication (meaning that the requester didn't bother to perform a search).
2) I think the subject of profanity in translation requests is a completely different topic worthy of a new thread. I have started one - here's the link: http://www.cucumis.org/forum_1_f/read_rs_0_660.html#last.
3) I think the word "abusive" in your text above concerning name translations is the wrong word. "excessive" would be better.
My edited versions:
"Most of the time, translations of names only make sense when what is requested is simply a transcription from one alphabet to another. We will remove all requests not following this rule or with an excessive number of target languages. All requests which are not clear enough about what kind of translation you would like (sound/meaning/other) or without sufficient comments to aid in translation may also be removed at the discretion of the administrators."
"Please perform a search to be sure your request has not already been submitted by someone else. Duplicated requests will be removed."
"The goal of cucumis is not to do your homework. Translation submissions which appear to be homework for school may be removed at the discretion of the administrators."
| 16 March 2007 16:13 |
| One thing weird, it is that when I select " lo que no me mata me fortalece", then click at bottom right or this page on "search [All translations], it tells me "No matches found"... |
| 16 March 2007 16:21 |
| I put just a few key words, those like portuguese and spanish.There are many other forms of the same text. |
| 16 March 2007 16:26 |
| I found one for "doesn't kill me" and one for "doesn't kill you", and 114 that include the words "I love you". |
| 16 March 2007 16:26 |
| Here
It could be easily avoided |
| 16 March 2007 16:54 |
 stellNumber of messages: 141 | Pleeeeeeeeeease!! Don't cancel latin translations!!! How am I gonna survive???  !!????
That's the only thing I can do.... |
| 16 March 2007 16:58 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | Speaking Latin can be very dangerous, don't speak Latin in the presence of pregnant women or children, be careful.
psss...psss...as I said above all native speakers are dead!!! |