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| 23 March 2007 15:38 |
 XiniNumber of messages: 1655 | Irini, I just know a little about Greek(s), but I think ancient Greek could be compared to modern Greek as Latin can be compared to Italian, couldn't it? The point is that ancient Greek is studied in many schools as Latin is, while e. g. middle (?) Greek is not. |
| 23 March 2007 15:49 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | Je crois avant tout qu'il ait un domaine des langues vivantes, soit qu'il soient parlées par des milliards de personnes que par des milliers, qui est tout à fait différent de celui des langues mortes ou de celui des langues artificielles.
C'est que quand on traduit d'une langue à une autre, on ne traduit pas seulement les mots, on traduit d'une quelque façon la psychologie, l'histoire, le climat etc. qui il y a derrière le peuple qui parle cette langue. Les Inouits qui ont plusieurs mots pour la neige, etc...
Cela qui est intéressant pour quelqu'un qui aime apprendre d'autres langues c'est justement ça.
Traduir des langues mortes ou, plus encore, des langues artificielles, c'est plus dans le domaine de jeux d'enigmatique (je ne me rappellle le mot just en français).
Quand au respect des langues des minorités, je vous rappelle alors que le sarde a été refusé ici, meme s'il est la langue de la majorité des Sardes, meme s'il est reconnu d'une loi de la Republique Italienne, meme si il y a des Universités dans tout le mond où on l'étudie, meme s'il est une langue néolatine tout à fait distingué des autres. Mais cela fait naitre des "jalousies" dans les autres Italiens...
Au contraire, portuguais européen, brazilien et, selon quelqu'un, galicien devraient etre des langues differentes!
En effet, il ya toujours de l'arbitrarieté quand on décide ce qu'il est une langue et ce qu'il ne l'est pas. |
| 23 March 2007 16:23 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | Jp, rien, je ne sais pas... J'ai conclusioné...
Xini, j'ai lu seulement la moitité du text... Qu'est-ce que je dois dire? Le klingon a été inventé par le créateur de Star Trek, pour ces films... Je ne suis pas sûr de ça, je ne me souviens exactement...
Irini, pas tout le monde connaît cette différence... Moi je ne le savais avant d'être arrivé ici...
Je retour avec mon suisse allemand...
Ok, je me suis trompé... |
| 23 March 2007 16:37 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | I know there is a new artificial language, which is being very successful (specially among Indians and Russians, if I remember well) It comes from a video-game, but I don't remember its name. |
| 23 March 2007 18:55 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | Ahahah! Es y a una nuvela "language" in this seite! Guardez! EUROPANTO
Un little extrato: "NOTIZAAN DES LECTORES: Este test is èscrit in der erste overeuropese tongue: the Europanto. Ceci ist eine artificiele languag struktur that est uderstandibile by alle men qui pour le least know very mauvais French or tres bad English (...) Enjoy het !"
Ou biene "Welcome to mina maison-pagina ! Esta is a STRANGE Home Page, and tra parentesi ho few voglia de scriverla en Anglais und so je will write en Europanto, a strange languag (created da ein fool italobelga) que est very mejo than Esperanto. This pagina està bajo costruction, porque je non know bien the wonderful TAGS que permettono tibi de build una beautiful pagina. Ecco aqui mina page, that je scriverò in drei segundos avec ein pulcher book de HTML, id est un Linguaggio Markuppato por la creation de Hyper Test"
Make una kline recerka mit Google por en know de plùs!
Esto site est muito amusant, because todos texten are in Europanto écrivuti. |
| 23 March 2007 17:28 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | Questa sembra la nuova versione della lingua di Salvatore, quello del Nome della Rosa!
L'esperto lo può fare Francky! |
| 23 March 2007 21:26 |
 XiniNumber of messages: 1655 | Ich like det muito, surtout les parablas in Latim i Svenska! |
| 23 March 2007 21:39 |
| Magnif fico! grande! extra! super! génial! dément! la gerbe! la tasse!Prima! wunder-bar!
Ik can sole sagen che wird es un grrran piacere que d'essere il quasimodo delio sito, espeziamente per il piccola donne rumanish que ne se putere corretamente le questos diacronitikates!
| 23 March 2007 22:09 |
 iriniNumber of messages: 849 | Xini not really no. There are some differences, other more important and other less so but it's nothing like Latin and Italian. Anyway, are we talking about Homeric Ancient Greek, Classic AG or Koine (Hellenistic, Bible) AG?  And why leave Middle Age Greek outside? You see, one of the major things about Greek is that it has been used as means of communication non-stop. Homeric to Koine Greek have as much in common and as many differences generally speaking as Koine Greek has with MG. Where do we place the line in this dichotomy and why not make it a trichotomy or even a hexatomy (!!) while we're at it?
Nave I just don't believe you! You mean you thought that Greek hasn't changed throughout the millenia? You might not have given the whole thing any thought but if you e.g. were wondering "How did Plato said 'I'm bored' ?" I bet you would have realised it wouldn't be in modern Greek. |
| 24 March 2007 08:08 |
 XiniNumber of messages: 1655 | Irini, as we can't add all the chronological nuances for each language, we have to make the continuum discrete, the analogic digital. Since it seems that only one ancient Greek is studied in schools (at least in Italy / and I'm not talking about Universities and so on), I think that just that kind of ancient Greek has to be added, just like Latin has been added. Believe me, also Latin has had the same development into Italian, there are many Italian and Latin languages. Then if one will need a particular age, he will state it in the comment frame, but don't you agree with me that at least one great distinction has to be made? |
| 24 March 2007 16:58 |
 iriniNumber of messages: 849 | Xini, no I don't see the reason for the distinction really. First of all why would it matter if only one form of ancient Greek is taught in schools since all are taught in University levels? Surely we are not here to help students cheat in their homework!
Secondly, unless you are refering to "Italic" languages of which there are many (Latin being one of them) I cannot understand your comment of being many Italian languages unless you either mean dialects or forms.
Thirdly, you'd be amazed how people have up to now comrehended what "Greek" means and how well the system works right now. There are very few requests for AG anyway and I can't see why we should burden the server further and make it even a bit more complicated.
I've never heard of anyone complaining about how the system works up to now and it's been working fine in other forums too (for example, in one sort of similar but not quite similar to cucumis there's only "Greek" mentioned. In one dediated to modern Greek people just note if they want something in ancient Greek and in one dedicated to Ancient Greek [and Latin] they note any request for modern Greek). |
| 25 March 2007 06:10 |
| Well - we have some interesting topics here! I notice you guys didn't throw in any Greek in your Europanto! Yia ti? C'est tal vez perche you den xerete ta ellinika???
Anway, I agree with Xini that there should be a separate language called Ancient Greek - but what would its flag be? The little owl from the drachma?
The reason why I agree with Xini (which means "it scratches" in Modern Greek) is that although there are many other in-between forms of Greek, most notably Byzantine Greek, the one most widely recognized by scholars outside of Greece is the Ancient Greek of Plato and his contemporaries. It is not mutually intelligible with Modern Greek and not everyone who is quite fluent in Modern Greek can understand it (like me, for example, even though I did take a course in Ancient Greek, but it was a long time ago, and I have never used it since). But I know Caspertavernello wrote to me and asked if I could read it, because he had some texts that his wife needed translated from that language (I suggested he ask you, by the way, irini).
But it's certainly not urgent.
And now to the topic of Klingon, which I think is the most interesting of the examples given above. Yes, it's an artifical language invented by the inventers of Star Trek. On the other hand, there is a "community" of people who pride themselves on speaking it. So what if someone comes to us and says, "I received this message in Klingon from somebody and I'd like to know what it means." If we have someone who can read Klingon, why shouldn't we do that?
To be honest, I think the same thing goes for text messaging. These have become a viable means of communicating. If you want to send a message to someone, and you want to know what the usual abbreviations used in texting are, I think that's a valid request.
The other thing I like about it is that it empowers the younger members of our translation community a bit more.
Ve maintenant ich glaube, that esto basta, etsi den einai? (notice that I threw in a word of Turkish - it has a little European part, too, deÄŸil mi?). Baxt thay sastipe!
| 25 March 2007 11:40 |
 XiniNumber of messages: 1655 | Ahah, it scratches...
Well, Irini, you surely know the situation much better than me, but notice that some poeple like me and kafetzou seem to find a little strange that there is a distinction between Italian and Latin and not between AG and MG. |
| 30 March 2007 01:38 |
| Linguastic!!!!!(HEHEHE)
I could understand everything of this europanto!But what about the names problem.Is it already finnished? |
| 30 March 2007 01:42 |
| Je creo oti jp e laborando to fix ce Ï€Ïόβλημα. |
| 30 March 2007 01:53 |
| It´s really funny.Looks like a brazilian lost in the middle of Europe.
But das Ï€Ïόβλημα est andra alphabeti. |
| 30 March 2007 01:58 |
| Menschenskind! I forgot Almanca kai ta tourkika. |
| 30 March 2007 09:47 |
| çok iyi! denn la Turquie sera soon oder late European, e i Türkishe members sunt lei piu presentes on Cucumis after los Bresilianos; é perche ik omer "NO Ï€Ïόβλημα "beshvili, bemvenidos
in de club!
pero would unfair sein wenn andra limbas van de Europanto olvidados seienst, como Estonian anche ivrit, und brauchen wir Hungarian as well in de Europanto, jederman is concerned aqui, let's don't dimentica los olvidados delio sito, como lothringen platt ve Romanche, y Catalan ve minoritarios limbas!
| 30 March 2007 10:47 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | Je glaube that der problema about les sobrenomes é clarificato. But io would lik sabere ob le Problem "Latin" is clarificated.
Was does it mean "çok iyi"? |
| 30 March 2007 10:36 |
| "çok iyi" é Türkse for "very good". |