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27 July 2007 22:06  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
I dn't think it's the picture. I think that the world is the one wich's upside-down.

28 July 2007 06:51  

Number of messages: 744
casper did u ever ask me about the photo before? because that is EXACTLY what i keep telling people ive used this icon for three years now on everything around the web, flickr, facebook, msn, my own website! and when asked, I go: its not upside down, you are looking at it upside down, I cant help you


28 July 2007 07:22  

Number of messages: 2747
I don't think you're mean Elmota.

I like it, and I like your way of thinking.

Hehe, you watched "Matrix"? "You don't bend the spoon, you bend your perceptions"


29 July 2007 06:48  

Number of messages: 3785
Welcome to Porfyhr who is our new expert for swedish and norwegian. Welcome in the team!

By the way, as you may know I'm in holidays right now (for 2 weeks) so I will only check messages when I find an internet point

29 July 2007 07:09  

Number of messages: 765
Szia Porfyhr!

29 July 2007 11:23  

Number of messages: 3706
Welcome Porfyhr! Goodbye JP!

(Just kidding... We'll miss JP a lot whilst he is in his deserved holidays)

29 July 2007 11:31  

Number of messages: 2247
Well deserved Goncin!!!

29 July 2007 12:07  

Number of messages: 793
Thank you very much!

Tack så mycket!

Takk så mye!

29 July 2007 19:18  

Number of messages: 2747
Hi porfyhr

Have fun!


29 July 2007 19:23  

Una Smith
Number of messages: 429
Greetings all you new suckers (uh, experts, yeah, that's what I meant to say...). I will cucumiss you when I am away on my vacation.

29 July 2007 19:29  

Number of messages: 2747

Well said Una Smith. Have a nice vacation and see you when you get back.


29 July 2007 19:56  

Number of messages: 793
Hi everybody...
It is quite a challenge to become an expert on a rainy sunday. When I started this afternoon I had >300 translations in norwegian (bokmål) and swedish.

What is the best thing to do with some translators that are unaware of their language skills and make poor translations repetedly?

I´ve had some server problems too, anybody else that have had that too?

29 July 2007 21:00  

Una Smith
Number of messages: 429
Porfyhr asked:

"What is the best thing to do with some translators that are unaware of their language skills and make poor translations repetedly?"

Without claiming it is the best thing to do, this is what I do: I scan the list of translations pending approval for work by the bad translators. I evaluate all those translations, giving each one less and less time. If they rate below a 7, I reject them in the pull-down list below each one. If they rate a 10 (this can happen, even with a bad translator), I accept them with that rating. Then I go to the bottom of the page and click the "right arrow" to cause my decisions to take effect. Then I go back through the page to work on the bad translator's translations that can be salvaged. For each, I open a new window to edit the translation, I read any discussion, I edit, I make a note to that effect in the discussion, then I rate and accept. I assign each a rating based on the original translation, not on the result of my edits.

I have proposed (elsewhere) that experts get more points for editing. It is time-consuming, tricky work. But maybe I should raise my threshold and simply reject any translation that does not rate at least an 8.

To me, 10 = I can do no better; 9 = I can do better but it is good enough as it is; 8 = one or two edits needed to fix poor word choice, missing word, wrong tense or number, or spelling error

Does this help?

29 July 2007 21:01  

Number of messages: 1655

I didn't have server problems, but I just came here few times.

For the poor translations, I would just reject them and then maybe send them a warning message.

I hope not to be in that black list


29 July 2007 21:22  

Number of messages: 793
Una Smith and Xini!
Thank you both for your replies!

The norwegian translators are a bit too positive, many young persons doing their best. But as you said Una it is very time consuming...
Xini, (I'll become paranoid by your staring eye, but that's my problem), I´ve recently taken care of one of your swedish translations, the server isn't a problem now! Shouldn't some kind of warning be registered?
What if it is like one of the swedish translators who translates everything he finds, no matter of source language... and no matter of quality? (Have you ever heard of the actor Antonio with plaster [Antonio Banderas]?)

29 July 2007 22:41  

Number of messages: 7963
I think that if a translator gets consistently rejected with very low marks (I give 3-4 or even lower if it's REALLY bad), it catches jp's attention and he puts a limitation on that person's profile as to what languages s/he is allowed to translate into.

30 July 2007 07:07  

Number of messages: 3785
Yes when a member is doing to many rejected/uncorrect translations, we can limit his/her authorized languages.

30 July 2007 09:25  

Number of messages: 744
jp bro ur on vacation! get off this site

I too get a lot of lousy translations, but some of them u know, are plausible and do the job, I mean the point of this site is not to be a "translation resource" where people can search, searching for words does not serve the purpose, the point is helping people understand and communicate with other languages, so if it does the job, I let it pass, sometimes few edits to straighten out the meaning, nothing but. my most favorite part of it is researching and finding out the meaning behind it, not the obvious meaning. yet i do get a lot of lousy, just lousy translations, sometimes it gets me so mad i reject with a facial expression

30 July 2007 09:55  

Number of messages: 765
Yeah, I can totally see your point, although I´ve only had 3 translations to confirm so far... There are many people who just get on a translation, overestimating their command of the language and do very messed up translations. I can imagine how much work you have with these, especially the English experts, who (am I right??) have the most translations to evaluate.

Edit: Although I don´t find anything bad in it, when somebody even with not a perfect knowledge translates short phrases, words- correctly(!). Practice makes the master.

30 July 2007 12:00  

Number of messages: 2747

I do really lousy translations into Italian so that Xini can have fun trying to understand what I've written.

I think I'd validate with a 10 if there's 0-2 mistakes (means they've totally understood the source and the target language but have not mastered the "finesse" of one of the two languages) as I'd only have to swop one word for another.

Other "simple" errors will reduce this 10 to a 9 or an 8.

If I have to rewrite part of the text in order to make it work, I'll validate but I'll probably only give a 7.

If there is too much rewriting to be done I'd reject the translation outright and hope someone will have a better shot at it.

I agree with Cisa, when "bad" translators do shorter translations, they are often perfect. Hehe Cisa, we say "Practice makes perfect".

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