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받은 편지함 - Aneta B.

약 189개 결과들 중 21 - 40
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2009년 6월 22일 21:04  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
Yes, it was. But that's OK, I'm very absent-minded too!

2009년 6월 22일 22:47  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
That's OK.

I haven't received anything yet on my inbox, but I'll check it on Facebook.

2009년 6월 22일 22:51  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
Nothing on Facebook.

Perhaps, if you give me yours I can add you.

2009년 6월 22일 23:08  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202

You could have changed the language!

2009년 6월 22일 23:24  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
Muito bem!

2009년 6월 24일 15:08  

게시물 갯수: 1015

2009년 6월 25일 23:09  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
De nada.

2009년 6월 27일 00:50  

게시물 갯수: 4611
Oh, he has left. Have erased it. This time for real:
Bonne nuit et dors bien.

2009년 6월 28일 02:51  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
Thanks for the video... I cried a lot with it, more than I cried before.

2009년 6월 29일 14:11  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
That's good news. You can rest now!


2009년 7월 1일 17:21  

Sweet Dreams
게시물 갯수: 2202
Hi, I hope you're fine.

2009년 7월 1일 18:15  

게시물 갯수: 89
Dear Aneta,

Thank you for letting me know my name in Polish. I live in Czech Republic, and people are calling me by midle name, because I don't like how Jiři sounds like. It's not me anymore. I am glad I have met you, although in a not very happy cicumstance ("helping" you with latin, literary translation). Did you remarked that your little note is in Polish? I got the meaning of it after you told me it was not the translation you expected. I also noticed we are about the same age. One more time...nice meeting you!

Wish you all the best,
George Cristian BOTEANU

2009년 7월 14일 14:17  

게시물 갯수: 1015

Mi spiace solo per il ritardo...

2009년 7월 16일 00:08  

게시물 갯수: 787
Masz racje, zapomnialam, ze wiadomosc o glosowaniu ukazuje sie rowniez u osoby tlumaczacej tekst. Dzieki za przypomnienie.

2009년 7월 16일 08:49  

게시물 갯수: 1015
Thank you so much, Aneta!!

2009년 7월 27일 00:38  

게시물 갯수: 4611
Well, no, I don't think so. It seems to me it changes the meaning. The Portuguese translation is almost a word by word translation of the English one. Can't you translate it this way in Latin. in French, I'd say:

La fin de la vie, comme
je la connais.

but suppose it doesn't help you much. Still maintain my first version, but of course I can be wrong. It's just that I believe my instinct but can be wrong too, one again. So sorry, my dearest, but can't find another way to express myself.

2009년 7월 29일 20:42  

게시물 갯수: 4611
Thanks again, my dearest Aneta. You found a way to wish me my birthday once again. Thanks so much, dear you and seeyou soon.

2009년 8월 3일 13:57  

게시물 갯수: 89
Dear Aneta,

Congratulations on your new responsabilities on Cucumis (Expert on latin). Regarding your abilities with Latin, could you please help me verify (or improve) translations I've done from latin? Most of translations are into Romanian, but if you agree, I could translate them in English for you.
This one is really easy for you, I think...

One more time congratulation and thousands of thank you!

2009년 8월 5일 13:21  

게시물 갯수: 2118
Just saw your new avatar... you are absolutely a crazy-cucumer - like most of us here!

2009년 8월 6일 16:21  

게시물 갯수: 1015
Funny and relaxing!!
Thank you so much for your work while I was away...
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