받은 편지함 - Aneta B.약 189개 결과들 중 81 - 100 | | | 2009년 9월 21일 11:51 | | Hi, sweety! Why should I be angry with you?
Have you recovered from you illness?
| | 2009년 9월 21일 12:35 | | Very well thanks!  | | 2009년 9월 22일 09:39 | |
Have a nice day! | | 2009년 9월 24일 15:30 | | hi i am from bulgaria and i do not well english,but a hope to stude.I want to speak with people tne when know english,I to start being able to learn it. | | 2009년 9월 24일 16:05 | | Hej  A dziÄ™kuje, wszystko ok, tylko, że dość dużo pracy ostatnio. A u Ciebie?
Mam teraz chwilkę, więc spróbuje jakoś ładnie przetłumacyzć ten wiersz, który mi przesłałas.
;* | | 2009년 9월 24일 17:44 | | napisaÅ‚am "obecnie ucze" oczywiscie, chodziÅ‚o mi o "uczenie siÄ™" a nie uczenie kogoÅ› ;] | | 2009년 9월 24일 21:54 | | So, I love ancient history, epigraphy (especially Latin) and ancient languanges. I like writing: prose and poetry. I can play the piano and I'm learning Arabic. I love classical music (especially Renaissance music) and rock music.
I've had some pupils for private lessons of Latin and Greek... I think I'm going to be a teacher, some day.
| | 2009년 9월 26일 16:23 | | Yes. I've to translate the XXII book for an exam (you know, the years 217-216 b.C.: the battle at the Trasimeno Lake, Cannae, Quintus Fabius Maximus etc.). Now I'm doing Eneid, book II. Auff, it's a lot of work.
| | 2009년 9월 28일 21:09 | | | | 2009년 9월 30일 17:38 | | A class test in the past. 5 from 13 pupil
get a inadequate for that translation. My daughter have made the recovery translation by here own and given to her teacher. I only want to know if my daughter understood the meaning of the text. Or maybe the problem are the periods. I cant speak Latin. This was the only way for me to get a translation and I will repeat that the test is in the past. I want to talk with my daughter about her mistakes and show her where she breaks of.
Thanks and have a nice day | | 2009년 10월 2일 09:11 | |
How are you, sweety? | | 2009년 10월 4일 22:22 | | | | 2009년 10월 12일 13:42 | | | | 2009년 10월 15일 18:59 | | Nie ma za co  Wiesz co, troche mnie wkurzyÅ‚o zachowanie naszego eksperta, tym ze napisala cos w stylu zebym sie wzieÅ‚a za poprawianie bo to nie robota "eksperta". Nie zgadzam sie z niÄ… czasami dlatego po prostu nie chce mi sie dystkutowac z za przeproszeniem jakÄ…Å› babÄ…, która mi bÄ™dzie mowic co mam robic. Także tu nie chodzi ogólnie o tÅ‚umaczenie , bo wiem, że czasem pomoc eksperta sie przydaje, ale nie lubie jak sie ktoÅ› tak wymÄ…drza.
U mnie wszystko w porzÄ…dku. Jeszcze tydzieÅ„ szkoÅ‚y, a poźniej tydzieÅ„ przerwy. DziÄ™ki Bogu! A co u Ciebie? Jak wypadÅ‚a akademia z okazji Dnia Nauczyciela? SlyszaÅ‚am, ze nieźle u Was zawiaÅ‚o zimÄ… :P Pozdrawiam xx | | 2009년 10월 15일 23:41 | | Thank you very much Aneta! | | 2009년 10월 17일 12:59 | | Sorry, sweety! I'm right, but today I'm cleaning up my wardrobe for the winter, so I'm quite busy... I thought to answer you this evening, but I'll do now. I'm not angry (why?) with you, don't worry. Are you ok? School? Your sweet Tullia?
 | | 2009년 10월 17일 16:56 | | I still have to pass 3 exams, but they start in December... so now I'm quite free.  | | 2009년 10월 17일 23:05 | | P.S. dopiero teraz przeczytalam pierwszÄ… czÄ™sc Twojej wiadomosci  naprawde jest mi bardzo miÅ‚o, że tak na mnie polegasz i że podobajÄ… Ci sie moje tÅ‚umaczenia. Martwie sie tylko, ze nie sÄ… wystarczajÄ…co profesjonalne, bo jak wiesz jestem samoukiem i z literaturÄ… miaÅ‚am niewiele wspolnego, a co dopiero jej tÅ‚umaczeniem. Mimo wszystko, ciesze siÄ™ że moge Ci pomóc | | 2009년 10월 18일 00:11 | | Masz racje  Wiem, że nie chodzi Ci o sÅ‚awe, bo gdyby Ci o niÄ… chodziÅ‚o, to a). albo nie byÅ‚abys poetkÄ… b).Twoje wiersze byÅ‚yby kompletnie inne, mniej przystÄ™pne dla zwykÅ‚ego czÅ‚owieka. Podoba mi siÄ™ Twoja poezja, bo oczywiscie, jak każda poezja, zmusza do refleksji, ale z drugiej strony nie jest zbyt wyniosÅ‚a ani patetyczna.Niestety dzisiaj dookoÅ‚a wszÄ™dzie jest peÅ‚no taniego dramatyzmu i bardzo dobrze, ze nie używasz go w swojej twórczosci.
Tymczasem ja idÄ™ spać, bo niby sobota sobotÄ…, powinien być dzien wolny, to jednak troche miaÅ‚am zajÄ™c i jestem zmeczona. DO BRA NOC ;* | | 2009년 10월 18일 16:50 | | Dear Aneta
You are right, that's what I usually do - ask the translation into English to obtain the Russian translation ... I often see on the other websites the same request as on cucumis by the same requester. And they are done faster and I'm a bit jealous, as I love  and I want users to come back to it as a very useful resource!!
It's good to know I can count on you, I really appreciate it! And we share the same point of view giving some help gratis ^^,
BTW, thank you for the Polish-into-English translation you did, I was thinking I can wear the hat at -40 C, but I need to wash it at +40
P.S. My understanding of latin source is accidental and took a lot of time, actually my dictionary knows Latin, not me
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