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صندوق - cucumis

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7 آوریل 2008 13:23  

تعداد پیامها: 2102
I have a small correction also, if it's ok. In the left menu, the Romanian version of the site, is written "Ultimule mesaje", it is not corect, it should be "Ultimele mesaje". Can you make the modification, please?

10 آوریل 2008 20:04  

تعداد پیامها: 4611
RE . Merci beaucoup JP. Bonne soirée.

11 آوریل 2008 12:56  

تعداد پیامها: 3706
Hi, jp!

After this thread, I proceeded with some long-waiting minor fixes in the Brazilian Portuguese interface translation. Here they are:


Some others I couldn't find the translation:

Língua persa should be Persa (farsi).
Curda should be Curdo.

We all Brazilians would be very glad if you could integrate them.


26 آوریل 2008 01:06  

تعداد پیامها: 1655
I think there should be a warning on the subscription page: do not use your email as username...



27 آوریل 2008 17:34  

تعداد پیامها: 5
Hi jp yes i want to see that files. But nowadays i have exams when my exams finih i will translate that.

3 می 2008 00:37  

تعداد پیامها: 2747
C'est carrément génial

La prochaine femelle qui naisse (que ce soit agneau, chiot ou veau) je te jure qu'elle va s'appeler Cucumiss!!


3 می 2008 09:54  

تعداد پیامها: 2747
Salut jp

J'ai remarqué quelques fautes dans ce news. Tu veux que j'y apporte des corrections?


9 می 2008 19:01  

تعداد پیامها: 1285
Hello, JP

Is it possible to figure out if a person has a double account? I have translated earlier a text, from Romanian into English, requested by the user ionmightyballs and now I see another, related to the one I have mentioned, this time submitted by the user marin.
The profiles are pretty much similar. And the texts are long enough.

Can you check, please?

Thank you,



9 می 2008 19:45  

تعداد پیامها: 1285

It occured to me later. And did it too.

Thanks, JP.


16 می 2008 09:49  

تعداد پیامها: 2102
Hello jp,
In the Romanian version of the site there is a very small grammar mistake. On the buton "Translate" is written "Traduce", but this is not correct gramatically speaking. Could you, please, change it for "Traduceţi"?
Thank you very much, have a nice day.

30 ژوئن 2008 18:30  

lilian canale
تعداد پیامها: 14972
Hi, keeping the translations correct (no matter from what time or if the requester is still active) would be just beneficial for the site, specially when we suggest the user to do a search to avoid double requests.
So, I'll go on with that if you agree and I'll try to adjust those translations into Spanish from the very beginning. I know in the beginning of the site many things (and experts) were improvised.

Concerning the "I take care" button, I just noticed it. I hope it will work.

About the private forum for the "monkey-wrench holders", I'm about to start the first thread I intend to open. I'm just waiting for the nomination of the new admins 2.

Thanks for all.

4 جولای 2008 03:57  

casper tavernello
تعداد پیامها: 5057
Hi JP. A minor correction for the "register" page:
Idiomas que você sabe ler e entende ...

10 جولای 2008 15:52  

تعداد پیامها: 8114
Hi jp
I have modified the "errors" now, but I can't see any changes on the site yet. Is there always an delay, or did I failed to do it correct?

13 جولای 2008 04:29  

تعداد پیامها: 145
I just translated a text into Esperanto which was then verified, but the star rating for Esperanto is not showing up on my personal page. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you very much.

3 آگوست 2008 07:17  

تعداد پیامها: 568
Thanx JP.

4 آگوست 2008 13:01  

تعداد پیامها: 12396
J'ai mis "numai la semnificaţie" en gras pour isoler la version roumaine de "meaning only", mais je t'ai mis la phrase complète, celle que l'on peut lire sur les bandeaux jaunes au-dessus des textes en "meaning only". En français on a : " Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification" ce qui donne : ""Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie". " en roumain.

Bon après midi, amitiés, à plus!

7 آگوست 2008 23:49  

تعداد پیامها: 1474
Is the search bar new? google search

9 آگوست 2008 17:49  

تعداد پیامها: 225
Hello JP,
I opend the wiki-text "Free language exchange" to translate it in Russian but it's not possible to read. I don't know may be it's something wrong with my computer but I think I should to let you know that there is this problem there. May be somebody else can't read it too.
Best wishes, Guzel.

4 سپتامبر 2008 08:37  

تعداد پیامها: 332
Hi JP,

At your leasure, will you take a look at my questions in Forum regarding update of the Cucumis interface? Thank you.


5 سپتامبر 2008 09:33  

تعداد پیامها: 643
Salut jp.
Juste pour te dire que je m'absente deux jours. Comme Francky est en vacances, le stock de traductions en attente de validation devrait donc augmenter cette fin de semaine.
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