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2008年 四月 10日 06:19  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Bom dia Lírio do Vale. Olha...
Pedido por...
Traduzido por...
Se é pra zoar, zoemos.

2008年 四月 10日 17:19  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057

2008年 四月 11日 18:03  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Cada vez mais sexy e charmosa, neném!

2008年 四月 11日 19:54  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Prefiro a de antes ("quase mostradno a calcinha" hahahahah)


2008年 四月 11日 19:58  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Mas acho que agora eu vou...tá me'xpulsando é?

2008年 四月 11日 20:17  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
nacker is the oldest member ever!!!!

2008年 四月 11日 20:58  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Tô nem aí!!! E tu tá ófi laine, nêga.
Se quiser ponha as mensagens em privê, eu não vou fazê-lo.

2008年 四月 13日 23:59  

文章总计: 149
Gosh. I was tired (not an excuse, I know) and it should have been cooperate. Corrected it. Thanks! Not that easy, being an expert, I can see.

2008年 四月 16日 05:52  

文章总计: 1
Dear Ms.Liliane,

I am pleased to contact you through this web page.
I hope that I got the good solution for the translation of the Brasilian introductory.

Looking forward to your kind cooperation.


2008年 四月 16日 22:21  

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Oi, Xuxu!

2008年 四月 17日 09:10  

文章总计: 95
There are mistakes in the german text

2008年 四月 21日 00:20  

文章总计: 145
Is one's main language their native language?

2008年 四月 21日 04:16  

文章总计: 2132
Hi Lilian,
This one is very hard to understand but may be :
Come (That we have an orgasm) somehow I'm not at ease
May be I’m not from here
It can be this way

gelmek has a lot of meanings and I think "to have an orgasm" is the only one which can be used here
gelelim is in the subjunctive.
Hope this help.

2008年 四月 21日 05:00  

文章总计: 2132
What should I do now?

2008年 四月 21日 16:59  

文章总计: 8114
A link to that page with synonyms here.

2008年 四月 22日 14:10  

Hiroshi Sebin Sampaio
文章总计: 3

2008年 四月 22日 22:01  

文章总计: 1116
Here you are, Lili:
"Jennifer Lopez was born on 24 July 1970. She is a famous actress, designer and fashion icon. She was born and raised in Bronx, New York. She is married to the singer Marc Anthony. She speaks both English and Spanish fluently. She began her carеer as a dancer in a comic TV show. She has 5 albums. She owns private label named "JLO", as well as her own production company. She is admired and loved by many people all over the world. A favourite of both young and old."


2008年 四月 23日 01:55  

文章总计: 1
Poderia por favor, traduzir p/ espanõl esta frase abaixo:
Bom dia, eu uma pessoa muito ocupada mas sempre aranjo um tempo para aprender, estou sempre buscando o aprendisado.

2008年 四月 23日 21:41  

文章总计: 8114
Ah, thanks a lot for your fast answer.
I know that I should have asked this earlier (when I became one exp.) but better to ask late, than never.

2008年 四月 24日 22:12  

文章总计: 8
grazie mille!Bem, obrigado.
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