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受信ボックス - turkishmiss

約 223 件中 201 - 220 件目
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2009年 5月 14日 17:22
投稿数: 5
Je ne sais pas si ma réponse à ton joli compliment a été envoyé, car je ne connaîs bien ce site et les moyens corrects pour avoir un bon changements de message. Alors, pardonnes moi! Ce que je veux dire c'est mon remerciement à toi et dire de ma disposition à quelques uns souhaites en portugais...Et oui, ma chère amie, ta traduction était si bonne, je pense ça! C'est plutôt difficile pour moi, les verbes dans le mode Subjonctif (que,se,quand)...Je te dis un très Bonsoir!eh,eh!

2009年 6月 8日 00:44  

投稿数: 2747
Coucou Alex

Je vais bien, un peu mal au dos là ou il y a la cicatrice et à tous les muscles autour mais rien de bien méchant

Ma connexion est vraiment pourrie en ce moment à cause des intempéries donc j'ai du mal à rester assez longtemps pour lire mes méssages

C'est Montpellier, ton équipe? Et ils ont gagné ou pas?

Grosses bises

2009年 6月 8日 20:52  

投稿数: 14
Hi, I am Hamza 27 m Syria, I would like to learn Turkish and I thought that you might help me in this.
I will be ready to teach you Arabic if you are interested, or I will translate anything from Arabi to English or vise versa.
Hope to hear up from you soon

2009年 6月 9日 18:23  

投稿数: 1148
Je suis du meme avis que toi. De toute façon, les erreurs que tu fais maintenant ne sont pas si graves que ça. Ce dont tu as besoin, c'est la pratique. Tu as appris les bases, je ne sais pas comment c'est a l'oral mais a l'ecrit tu fais des phrases qui sont en general correctes. Maintenant, il faut communiquer en turc !

Si jamais tu as un doute ou quoi que ce soit n'hesite pas a me le demander.

2009年 6月 16日 20:08  

投稿数: 980
Hi Miss,

I thought "now that" will suit better with this sentence because I didn't want to write "now" exactly. To me, "now" is a word that expresses the exact time which sounds more like 'at the moment/ right now', but in this sentence it is more like 'right away/ as soon as possible'.. etc.

I thought now and now that is more or less the same and "now that" has a meaning which is more close to "artık" in this sentence, or am I wrong?

2009年 6月 22日 22:31  

投稿数: 29
sorry, I haven't heard from you, and wasn't sure if you're still interested. Francky translated the project in Uganda btw, so if you and sweet dreams could do the about-us together that would be wonderful.
so let me know when you got some time, and I wish you loads of luck for your exams!!!!

2009年 6月 25日 15:06  

投稿数: 123
Merhaba Turkishmiss!

Bugunlerde biraz yogunum sinavlar filan vardi pek bakamiyordum, baksamda girip hemen cikiyorum...
Ama simdi bakicam biraz....

2009年 7月 6日 20:06  

投稿数: 21
Yes, not all languages are completed.

2009年 7月 21日 17:25  

投稿数: 16
Çevirilerinizin kalitesine bayıldım. Çok güzel çevirileriniz var tebrik ederim . İnşallah başka yeni diller öğrenme imkanlarınızda olur.

2009年 7月 23日 22:55  

投稿数: 16
Merhaba turkishmiss , birşey demek istiyorum, moderatör benim bir çevirime yorum yapmışta ingilizcem çok iyi değil pek birşey anlayamadım çevirisinden acaba rica etsem yardim edermisin bunu çevirmeme biliorum burda çeviri etmek yasak ta, çok merak ettim ne demek istedi diye. Çeviri şu olacak:
Actually I checked this expression and submitted it to translation from Dutch into French, and obtained : "tu es le bienvenu".

So I thought it was meaning this at 1st degree.

But when I had a look to the Turkish and English versions, it occured to me this text is breaking our rule #[4], this is why I removed this text from the requested translations.

2009年 7月 27日 09:27  

投稿数: 27
slm sana bbiÅŸey sorcam

2009年 8月 12日 00:47  

投稿数: 1
Hola! Por lo visto, puedes entender varios idiomas..Quisiera que por favor me traduscas lo siguiente a Turco, desde ya MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS!!!!!
"Hola! Quisiera saber muchas cosas acerca de ti, asi que te pido por favor me escribas, no importa el idioma...

2009年 8月 26日 10:41  

投稿数: 27
hi have are you_?

2009年 9月 4日 12:22  

投稿数: 99
Merhaba Turkishmiss...

2009年 9月 8日 17:33  

投稿数: 99
Selam turkishmiss nasılsın?

2009年 9月 14日 17:42  

投稿数: 276
thanks for your bridge! ^^

2009年 9月 20日 20:32  

Sweet Dreams
投稿数: 2202
Tu as raison.
J'ai ajouté la traduction littéral dans le champs de commentaires sur la traduction.


2009年 9月 27日 23:54  

投稿数: 105
Thank you for that.
but sorry, I don't speak english well

2009年 11月 7日 21:33  

figen sunal
投稿数: 15
selam turkihmiss ben figen türküm fransızcayla ilgili bir çevirim var göndersem çevirir misin gerçekten benim içn çok önemli bir ödev bu siteyi bulup sonra hem fransızca hem türkçe bilen biriyle karşılaşmam benim için mutluluk verici.cevabını bekliyorum

2009年 11月 10日 18:14  

Bilge Ertan
投稿数: 921
Merhaba canım. İsmim Bilge. Düzenli şekilde olmasa da 5.sınıftan beri fransızca öğreniyorum şuan B1.3 seviyesindeyim ve pratik yapmaya ihtiyacım var. Yardımcı olabilir misin acaba?
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