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受信ボックス - MÃ¥ddie

約 281 件中 221 - 240 件目
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2008年 9月 4日 14:19  

投稿数: 4611
Will log of. See you later.

2008年 9月 4日 14:23  

投稿数: 4611
Will do my dear. See you later.

2008年 9月 5日 01:38  

投稿数: 4611
Good night and sweet dreams, Maddie. Have a Great week end.

2008年 9月 7日 23:39  

投稿数: 4611
Yes, I was missing you too, but didn't have time to be much of on cucumis neither.
Sleep tight, dear Maddie and see you tomorrow.

2008年 9月 8日 15:34  

投稿数: 3785
madeleine78 is now MÃ¥ddie.

2008年 9月 8日 16:27  

投稿数: 4611
Hi my dear. Allready done and yes, I liked them. Sent you a mail. Nice too see you back again. Will log out for a moment. Have some shopping to do. See you later.

2008年 9月 9日 16:18  

投稿数: 4611
Hi Maddie; See you later. Have a look here :

2008年 9月 11日 00:54  

投稿数: 4611
YOU ARE A REAL BAD GIRL. It was you who asked for it, I'm sure, otherwise I don't understand anything
of anything.

2008年 9月 13日 02:59  

投稿数: 324
Bona!Ce mai faci?Have you changed your nickname?

2008年 9月 13日 14:17  

投稿数: 324
Bona Maddie Yeah,I've got a niece and a nephew.You always need to be turned on to catch them
Yeah,this nick is easier

2008年 9月 15日 01:05  

casper tavernello
投稿数: 5057
I swear that I said MÃ¥ without that "abbreviation" context we were discussing there.
Perhaps my subconsciousness operating.

2008年 9月 15日 14:36  

投稿数: 4611

Hello sis. How are you today. Still a bit tired so I'll have a nap. see you later.

2008年 9月 15日 17:08  

投稿数: 4611

Why do we women say we're strong??? For sure we're not strong when it concerns love.

2008年 9月 16日 00:33  

投稿数: 4611
Oh, poor little girl. And now, straigt to bed.

2008年 9月 16日 20:49  

投稿数: 1206
Thank you MÃ¥ddie veeeeeeery much! You gave me really detailed answeres!

It was a pleasure to help you with a French-English translation. And feel free to ask me anything you need. I'll do my very best to help you any time!

Have a nice evening too!

2008年 9月 16日 23:11  

casper tavernello
投稿数: 5057
God told me.

2008年 9月 17日 00:26  

casper tavernello
投稿数: 5057
If you use PC, just hold the ALT key down and type 143 = Å and 134 = å.

2008年 9月 17日 01:29  

casper tavernello
投稿数: 5057
And alt+0197 for Ã….

2008年 9月 17日 22:54  

casper tavernello
投稿数: 5057
Surprise, surprise!!!!

2008年 9月 18日 02:50  

投稿数: 4611
You desserv it. Sleep well my little cucu-sis.
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