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受信ボックス - MÃ¥ddie

約 281 件中 161 - 180 件目
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2008年 8月 13日 23:27  

投稿数: 4611
Hi sis. Have checked my e mail and you, check yours.

2008年 8月 13日 23:53  

投稿数: 4611
Yes sis,. I SURELY HAVE. Sure we're all happy and I suppose JP is too.He deserv it, and all of us a bit.

2008年 8月 14日 20:10  

投稿数: 4611
Hello sis. Thanks for your help for the link. IT WORKED. Check your mail, please. I'm going to have something to eat. See you later on.

2008年 8月 15日 00:05  

投稿数: 4611
Both back again. Couldn't do it without.

2008年 8月 15日 00:12  

投稿数: 4611
Seems our messages crossed. Yes, it's the same Italo. Yes, really nice to talk together.
sweet dreams, Maddie.

2008年 8月 15日 00:15  

投稿数: 4611
Have a nice ste Maria's day. Concerning the translation I wouldn't have been able to do it neither.

Sweet dreams and nice day tomorrow.

2008年 8月 15日 14:25  

投稿数: 4611

2008年 8月 15日 23:30  

投稿数: 4611
hEU LITTLE SIS. Can't stay today. going out. Have received your mails, AND sleep as well as the little kitten.

2008年 8月 16日 10:44  

投稿数: 2132
Hi Madeleine,
Nice to see you too, how are you?

2008年 8月 17日 16:17  

投稿数: 4611
Hello sis.Well I don't like it. I hadn't slept but will send you another one, when I have slept a bit more. Thanks for the photo.I like YOURS.
Seeing you later.

2008年 8月 17日 23:49  

投稿数: 4
Se pare ca a scris siguranta vroia sa spuna *io ho* adica *eu am*...

2008年 8月 18日 00:12  

投稿数: 4611

2008年 8月 18日 01:12  

投稿数: 4611
Yes. I have noticed it. Sure he did it for us. Do you have a lot of work ?

2008年 8月 18日 23:50  

投稿数: 4611
sORRY mADDIE. Forgot to send it into your inbox, so here it is again :

"Dear Razvan. I'm thinking of you, and wish you a good night and a good departure tomorrow".

2008年 8月 19日 00:57  

投稿数: 4611
Well, to be honest, it's something like that . " departure" _ launching - takeoof- otherwise I think it should have been something like " Anfang". What bothers you with the other word?

2008年 8月 19日 01:09  

投稿数: 4611
To be honest, I had to check it in my biiiiig dictionary, because I felt it the same way you did. I think we become too Englishminded.
Sleep well sis.
see you tomorrow.

2008年 8月 19日 01:15  

投稿数: 4611
Hi . If you found Anfang then it's good ; I didn't.
You MUST change it.Then yr sentense is good. forget MINE.

2008年 8月 19日 01:28  

投稿数: 4611
bAD GIRL. I have just figured out that you have translated from the other way. British/Germain.
Not that silly , he girl.
sleep weel . I falling down off my chair.

2008年 8月 19日 15:39  

投稿数: 4611
He, it was you who found the end. The magazine should leave today. Hope you'll like it. Otherwise I waiting for time to pass by. Bad weather here. Rain and nothing but rain. Later, sweetie.

2008年 8月 20日 13:44  

投稿数: 4611
Same to you.
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