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Oversættelse - Tyrkisk-Engelsk - merhaba, verecegınız sipariÅŸe göre üretim...

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merhaba, verecegınız siparişe göre üretim...
Tilmeldt af merdan033
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Tyrkisk

merhaba, verecegınız siparişe göre üretim yapabiliriz. yada talep ettiginiz tekstil ürünlerini tedarik edebiliriz. üretim konusunda ve mal temininde her türlü işbirligine açıgız teşekürler


Oversat af silkworm16
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

Hello, we can produce in accordance with the order you will give or we can supply the textile products you have demanded. We are open to any kind of cooperation about production and product supply.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 23 November 2008 23:28

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21 November 2008 23:38

Antal indlæg: 279
I would translate fabrication et la livraison de marchandises as "manufacture and delivery of the merchandise". and "vouz avex notre complète" as "you have our complete"

- Jens

22 November 2008 14:42

Antal indlæg: 4611
The English version doesn't match the French one what concerns the tense: Should be read as follows: "the order you have given(present perfect) and not future.

22 November 2008 15:43

Antal indlæg: 4
Sous réserve que la traduction du texte original vers le français soit correcte, car tel quel le sens du texte ne me parait pas très clair ("nous pouvons produire selon la commande que vous avez passée ou fournir les produits que vous avez demandé.." : n'est-ce pas un peu la même chose ?).
Pour la traduction anglais/français, je propose plutôt :

.../ have "requested". You have our full cooperation about manufacturing and product (or merchandise) delivery."

22 November 2008 17:48

Antal indlæg: 172

ben bu çeviriyi fransızcasından değil, türkçesinden çevirdim. fransızca hakkında ingilizce kadar bilgim yok arkadaşlar. demek ki türkçe çevirisini kim yaptıysa onda zaman kaymaları olmuş.

burada fransızca öneri yapmazsanız sevirim....

ingilizce çeviriyi türkçesine bakarak yaptım kendisi aşağıdadır:

"merhaba, verecegınız siparişe göre üretim yapabiliriz. yada talep ettiginiz tekstil ürünlerini tedarik edebiliriz. üretim konusunda ve mal temininde her türlü işbirligine açıgız teşekürler"

dear friends,
if you speak Turkish then, please evaluate my translation accordingly. I do not have any idea about the french version!! I just translated the turkish version into English!! I'm not responsible with the existing Turkish version, which seems here in my account, as the original text to be translated.

23 November 2008 10:44

Antal indlæg: 18
bonjour -> good morning
merci -> tank you

23 November 2008 20:07

Antal indlæg: 172
lilian sorry to disturb you, but can you help? there is a problem... I get suggestions about French. but I translated this from the Turkish one into English, not from the French one. I have no idea about it.

23 November 2008 21:42

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
Silkworm, are you sure the first line reads: "the order you will give"?

24 November 2008 01:07

Antal indlæg: 279

I just noticed that the French version didn't match with the English version, as somebody else said about tense, using the "order that you will give" sounds a bit strange, just "produce in accordance with the given order", as it is obvious that somebody (the customer) has to have given the order already.

24 November 2008 18:12

Antal indlæg: 172
yes lilian in the text which is written in Turkish it reads "verecegınız siparişe göre üretim yapabiliriz" which means "the order you will give"

in short, future tense has been used in the original text. that's why I translated it like that.


24 November 2008 18:16

Antal indlæg: 172

ok well, it may sound strange, you may be right but the text involves future tense, so I could not translate it using the present perfect or past.