We are Corporate Tax-payers of your Office, tax identity number 0080. We politely request a certificate attesting that we are registered at your Office and continue to conduct business at Aydin street 21/1 K.dere/ ANKARA.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané lilian canale - 4 novembra 2008 13:51
We are taxpayers of your apartment, numbered 0080 tax identity of Corporation Tax.We offer you to your intelliginces of
the contribution which is prepared to be given includes of being registered taxpayers of your apartment and proceeding our business, placed in Aydin street 21/1 K.dere/ ANKARA.
Dairenizin 0080 Vergi Kimlik numaralı Kurumlar Vergisi mükellefiyiz: we are corporate taxpayers of your Office with the identity number ..." or sth like that would be better.