4 Lugha ya kimaumbile redder redder <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Tafsiri zilizokamilika Couleur Sang liv gwad | |
24 Lugha ya kimaumbile Marisa. Amizade. setembro16. Marisa. Amizade. setembro16. O mone proprio Marisa, e o mes de nascimento setembro e o dia 16. Amizade o sentimento que temos perante os nossos amigos!
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Tafsiri zilizokamilika Marisa ماريساصداقة16 سبتمبر | |
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136 Lugha ya kimaumbile palore che compaiono su un display Cassa Lavanderia Resto Automatico Indirizzo Scheda Uscita Tempo Attivazione Numero/Linea Prezzo/Indirizzo/Uscita/Tempo Vendita Senza Resto Linea Prezzo Olandese
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Tafsiri zilizokamilika Words that appear on a display | |
18 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". Πάει καλά μαζί σου; Πάει καλά μαζί σου;
Mozete da mi prevedete ovo pitanje na american-english, danish ili srpski? Mnogo hvala
<edit> before edit : "Paei kala mazi sou?"<:edit> (thanks to Christina who provided us with the version in Greek characters-please see the discussion area hereunder before translating) Tafsiri zilizokamilika Is it going well with you? Ide li dobro sa tobom? Har du det godt? | |
73 Lugha ya kimaumbile trjn So ein Schwachsinn, was die da labbert...Die soll sich mal anschauen, wie die aussieht...bekifft Tafsiri zilizokamilika Onların orada yaptıkları... | |
430 Lugha ya kimaumbile Dear buyer You are welcome! Could you please do... Dear buyer, you are welcome! Could you please do me a favor? Can you cancel the other two transactions for item 280554331747 and 280554684680. Maybe you purchased these two items by mistake, because you have purchased the same items and made the payment already. If you do not help to cancel the transaction, eBay will charge me a high Final Value fee, each item is $5.99. For two items, the fee is $11.98. So I will lose much if you don't cancel the two transactions. I will appreciate your help greatly! Text corrected <Lilian> Tafsiri zilizokamilika Sayın müşteri | |
478 Lugha ya kimaumbile Everybody says love makes the world go round I... Everybody says love makes the world go round I hear a bubbling, I hear a sound Of my heart beating then I turn around. Find you standing at the door You know me I like to dream a lot Of this and that and what is not, Finally I figured out what was what. The result is always the same You think somehow we're in a game I think I'm dumb, I know you're smart The beating of a purebred heart. I say this to you and it's not a lark Marry me today. You know me I like to dream a lot Of what there is and what there's not. But mainly I dream of you a lot. Part of the song "The power of the heart" (Peter Gabriel).
Edit: bubble-bubbling/Freya Tafsiri zilizokamilika Puterea inimii Todos dicen que el amor hace girar al ... | |
224 Lugha ya kimaumbile Nos hemos rodeado de tantas mentiras, de tantos... Nos hemos rodeado de tantas mentiras, de tantos espejismos falsos, y los poderosos hacen tantas cosas por nosotros, contra la libertad nuestra, que uno a veces quiere hacer otras cosas pero no puede, el propio sistema de vida llega a talarte el entusiasmo de querer ser libre. Tafsiri zilizokamilika We are surrounded ... | |
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11 Lugha ya kimaumbile Justiça Divina Justiça Divina <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Tafsiri zilizokamilika Divine Justice | |
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7 Lugha ya kimaumbile ALEXANDRA ALEXANDRA <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Tafsiri zilizokamilika ALEXANDRA | |