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Asıl metin - Latince - ab urbe condita,II,XL

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Bu yazının aşağıdaki dillerde karşılığı vardır: LatinceRomence

Kategori Yazın - Iş / Ticaret/ Işler / görevler

ab urbe condita,II,XL
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Kaynak dil: Latince

coriolanus,prope ut amens consternatus,ab sede sua cum ferret matri obviae complexum,mulierin iram ex precibus versa:"sine,priusquam complexum accipio,sciam,inquit,ad hostem an ad filium venerim,captiva materne in castris tuis hoc me longa vita et infelix senecta traxit,ut exsulem te,deinde hostem viderem?potuisti populari hanc terram,quae te genuit atque aluit?non tibi,quamvis infesto animo et minaci perveneras,ingredienti fines ira cecidit?non ,cum in conspectu roma fuit,succurrit:intra illa moenia domus ac penates mei sunt,mater,coniux liberique?ergo,ego nisi peperissem,roma non appugnaretur!nisi filium haberem,libera in patria mortua essem!
Çeviriyle ilgili açıklamalar
pentru traducere literara in limba romana.
23 Şubat 2008 09:22

Son Gönderilen


15 Nisan 2008 14:19

Mesaj Sayısı: 113
Coriolanus ,that was nearly madly shocked,from his throne came down and hugged the mother that was there. the woman was turned from prays to anger and said : "Before i get a hug, i don t know if i m coming to an enemy or to a son, if i am prisoner in your camp.Old age bring me to this long and sad life,so i could see you as an exiled and later as an enemy? Can you destroy this land , which generated and feeded you? Hasn t Anger dropped on you the in coming end,altough you reached (the end) with an evil and ill soul? It doesn t help, that Rome was in front of us, that into those walls there are my house and my penates,my mother,my husband and my sons?So, if i wouldn t have given birth (to you),(now) Rome would not be attacked! If i wouldn t have a son,i would be free and dead in (my) homeland.