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Tercüme - Fransızca-İngilizce - salut bébé

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Bu yazının aşağıdaki dillerde karşılığı vardır: Fransızcaİngilizce

Kategori Gunluk hayat

salut bébé
Öneri christia
Kaynak dil: Fransızca

Salut bébé, ça va et ton week end comment tu le passes? Moi je ne fais que dormir je suis très fatigué. As-tu fini avec la décoration de la maison? N'oublie pas de m'envoyer des photos stp je pourrais te donner des idées. Finalement ta surprise c'était quoi? Tu viens quand? Gros bisous à tes enfants, tu ne me parles jamais d'elles
Çeviriyle ilgili açıklamalar
traduire en anglais américain

Hi baby

Çeviri Bhatarsaigh
Hedef dil: İngilizce

Hi baby, how are you and how are you spending your weekend? I'm doing nothing but sleeping I am so tired. Are you done with the decoration of the house? Plz don't forget to send me the photos, I can give you some ideas. Finally what is your surprise? When will you come? Big kisses for your children, you never talk to me about them.
En son dramati tarafından onaylandı - 8 Mart 2008 20:52

Son Gönderilen


8 Mart 2008 18:41

Mesaj Sayısı: 19
...Finally what was your surprise?