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194 Język źródłowy CUCUMIS 4TH RULE IN BULGARIAN [4] [b] NO SINGLE OR ISOLATED WORDS[/b]. Cucumis.org is not a dictionary and will not accept requests for translations of single or isolated words when they don’t form a complete sentence [b]with at least one conjugated verb[/b]. ADMIN'S NOTE :
I noticed the Bulgarian version was the formerly used one, this one puts the stress on the fact we do not want to translate texts that don't include at least one conjugated verb.
"conjugated verb" is moreover to be considered in opposition with "infinitive" that is the sticky form of a verb and can be found in a dictionary
The only verbs at the infinitive mode that are to be considered conjugated are those employed the same way as those conjugated at the imperative mode, but only if this sounds natural in the language (currently used) Ukończone tłumaczenia CUCUMIS 4-ТО ПРÐВИЛО ÐРБЪЛГÐРСКИ | |
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283 Język źródłowy Sin embargo, sin hacer mayores consideraciones... Sin embargo, sin hacer mayores consideraciones sobre los dos usos del concepto que él mismo distingue, Braunias utiliza el término “derecho electoral†de manera amplia sólo en el tÃtulo de su obra. En su análisis, la expresión se limita al concepto en el sentido restringido, incluso cuando Braunias expone diferentes teorÃas del derecho electoral. Literatura JurÃdica. Direito Eleitoral. Ukończone tłumaczenia No entanto, sem tecer maiores considerações... | |
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