De dagar jag ska till skolan går jag upp klockan 06.00. Jag kliver direkt in i duschen och står där för att vakna i några minuter. Jag äter frukost ungefär 06.15 till 06.30 och fortsätter sedan att göra mig i ordning. Jag brukar bli klar runt 07.00 men min buss går inte förens 07.30 så jag ser på tv ca 20 minuter innan jag måste gå till bussen.
On the days I go to school I wake up at 6:00 AM, I go straight to the shower and I take a couple of minutes to wake up well. I have breakfast between 6:15 and 6:30 and I get dressed. Usally I'm ready at 7:00, but my bus doesn't arrive until 7:30, so then I watch TV about 20 minutes or until I have to take the bus.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
I edited the origional which was not the best English. This is the origional" The days I go to school I wake up at 6:00 AM, I go straight to the shower and I tay a couple of minutes to wake me up well. I have breakfast between 6:15 and 6:30 and I keep dressing up. Usally I'm ready at 7:00, but My bus doesn't arrives until 7:30, then I watch TV about 20 minutes or until I have to take the bus. David
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez dramati - 22 Grudzień 2007 19:01
Would you please edit the word usually and...
so / then I watch TV about 20 minutes
shouldn't be suppressed one of those conjunctions here?
I mean so or then . We don't need both, on the other hand there's the lack of a preposition in... for about 20 minutes.
Am I being boring? Sorry.