Hi Jackrit,
My pleasure! I love the Dhammapada!
Here is the literal meaning of the French version above:
Most people
(literally, "most men" ) forget that we will all die one day. For those who think about it, the struggle is quieted.
This is verse 6 of chapter 1, but I think the second half of the French version above mistranslates the Pali original! Here is the version of Harischandra Kaviratna (my favorite):
Most people realize that all of us here shall one day perish. But those who do realize that truth settle their quarrels peacefully.
For reference, here is Irving Babbitt's version:
The world does not know that we must all come to an end here; but those who know, their quarrels cease at once.
and Radhakrishnan's:
Some (who are not learned) do not know that we must all come to an end here; but those who know this, their dissensions cease at once by their knowledge.
So the second sentence means that the knowers of the truth of impermanence will stop their fight
s with each other, not that they will cease all striving
for liberation, enlightenment/arahantship, etc..
The French version
("struggle" ) is in the
singular form
(i.e. not "struggles" ), so it looks like one could just lie down and give up; the complete
opposite of the
virya (striving, effort) necessary to achieve enlightenment
Sorry for the Geek-note: I couldn't resist!
Of course, you can approve the Thai translation if it matches the first English bridge I wrote above!