Cucumis - Serviço de tradução on-line gratuito
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Idioma de origem
Inglês Server crash
The hard disk of the web server has crashed yesterday :( .

The data were restored from the 9h january. [b]Many translations, messages, wiki articles and members are lost[/b], and I'm sorry for that. All avatars pictures are also lost. I invite deleted members to register again and [b]send a message in the forums to get back their former status[/b] (Number of points, Expert rank etc...). [b]All members are invited to request their points back[/b].

I hope it won't happen again as it took me the whole week-end to repair and it's not yet completed.

Traduções completas
Francês Crash du Serveur
Alemão Serverabsturz
Turco Sunucu çöktü
Italiano Crash del server
Holandês Server Crash
Espanhol Avería en el servidor
Russo Поломка сервера
Português europeu Falha no servidor
Português brasileiro Falha no servidor
Esperanto Paneo de servilo
Sueco Server krasch
Chinês simplificado 服务器崩溃
Búlgaro Срив на сървъра
Hebraico נפילת שרת
Árabe تحطّم الخادم
Catalão Avaría del servidor
Romeno Prăbuşirea serverului
Japonês サーバ・クラッシュについて
Sérvio Pad servera
Albanês Prishaj e serverit
10Idioma de origem10
Inglês Happy new year 2006!
Happy new year 2006 to all visitors :)

[b]What has changed since the last news entry?[/b]

- has grown fast as there are now more than [link=u__]1900 members[/link] and about 20 new members a day. Many new languages have been added to the interface: Chinese, Hebrew, Swedish, and Brazilian Portuguese. A big thanks to the members who translated it.

- The [link=p__]project section[/link] is up and running but nobody knows how it works :) . It's mainly dedicated to webmasters who want to translate their websites. They can submit their text to be translated on and invite their visitors to translate on will get new members and the webmasters will be able to use the translation engine of and the expertise of members.

- An affiliation program has been developed to reward those who put a link on their personal websites or blogs to talk about Instead of using the [note][/note] classic url, you can use this url: [linkid=w_in_[userid]]. [transrefid=464] There is also a similar affiliation link for the webmasters who manage a project on, to invite their visitors to translate their website on, with the same advantages: [linkid=w_in_myProjectId].

- The multi-language Babylon dictionary has been inserted on the translation pages at the bottom of the side menu. It's a very useful tool and it's not intrusive at all.

- The wiki engine has been set. Some parts of the interface, as well as details and tutorials about how the website should be used, are now embedded in wiki articles. Wiki articles are more flexible than the language files of the interface, as they can be edited at any time by any member. The wiki articles of the interface can also be translated from the [link=t__]translation homepage[/link] using the link "[transrefid=865]".

- It's now possible to post comments on all parts of the website, including news and wiki articles.

[b]What's next?[/b]

- A language course section is currently under development. Each member of will be able to create a wiki lesson about his favorite language.

- A java applet is under development to offer the possibility to record and play back audio samples for the language courses.

- A java or flash applet will be developed to draw illustrations for the language courses.

- I don't understand why the ratio of members having done at least one translation is so small... Maybe I should try to improve the interface and I need [link=f__]your feed back[/link] on this...
Keep the tags "[...]" untranslated.

Traduções completas
Árabe عام جديد سعيد 2006!
Alemão Frohes neues Jahr 2006!
Francês Bonne année 2006!
Esperanto Feliĉigan novan jaron 2006
Turco 2006 yılınız kutlu olsun!
Albanês Gezuar vitin e ri 2006!
Português europeu Feliz Ano Novo 2006!
Romeno La mulţi ani 2006!
Holandês Gelukkig Nieuwjaar 2006 !
Espanhol Feliz 2006!
Catalão Feliç Any Nou 2006!
Sueco Gott nytt år 2006!
Chinês simplificado 狗年吉祥!
Italiano Felice anno nuovo : 2006
Russo С Новым 2006 годом!!!
Hebraico שנת 2006 שמחה!
Búlgaro Да ви е честита новата 2006 година!
Japonês 謹賀新年!
Idioma de origem
Português brasileiro Sempre amigos
Sempre amigos / Amigo
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduções completas
Hebraico החורף
Idioma de origem
Inglês Your just my average ordinairy everyday SuPeRhErO
Your just my average ordinairy everyday SuPeRhErO

Traduções completas
Italiano Tu sei solo il mio ordinario, medio SuPeReRoE quotidiano
Idioma de origem
Sueco Änglar gråter också
Änglar gråter också

Traduções completas
Inglês angels cry also/too
Japonês 天使
Idioma de origem
Francês PHOTOS
Toutes les photos présentes sur ce site ne sont libres de droit que dans un cadre exclusivement scolaire

Traduções completas
Inglês Photographs
Hebraico תמונות
Idioma de origem
Turco türk malı
türk malı
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduções completas
Francês marchandises turques
Inglês turkish goods
Italiano merci turche
Árabe بضاعة تركية
Português europeu türk malı
Alemão Türkische Waren
Polonês tureckie wyroby
Espanhol mercancías turcas
Idioma de origem
Inglês Target-language-corrected-necessary
You can select the same source- and target-language to have the text checked and corrected if necessary

Traduções completas
Alemão Zielsprache-korrigiert-notwendig
Turco Hedef-dil-düzelttir-gerekirse
Catalão Idioma-objectiu-corregit-necessari
Esperanto cel-lingvo-korektota-necese
Japonês Target-language-corrected-necessary
Espanhol mismo-origen-destino-corregido
Russo исправления текста
Francês Spécifier-d'arrivée-nécessaire
Búlgaro Цел - език - поправи - ако трябва
Romeno Limbi-corectura-nevoie
Árabe لغة-هدف-مصححة-ضرورية
Português europeu Destino-idioma-correcto-necessário
Hebraico שפת מטרה - תיקון - צורך
Italiano Destinazione-lingua-corretta-necessario
Albanês Obiektivi-gjuhe-korrigjuar-nevojshme
Polonês JÄ™zyk podstawowy i docelowy
Sueco Målspråk-korrigera
Tcheco Cílový-jazyk-opravený-potřeba
Chinês simplificado 目的-语言-修改-必要
Chinês tradicional 目的-語言-更正-必要
Grego Στόχος-γλώσσα-διορθωμένος-απαραίτητος
Sérvio Ciljani-jezik-ispravljen-potrebno
Dinamarquês MÃ¥l-sprog-korrigeret-nødvendigt
Finlandês Kohdekieli-korjattu-tarpeen
Húngaro Cél-nyelv-javított-szükséges
Croata Cilj-jezik-ispravljen-potrebno
Norueguês SprÃ¥k-rettet-nødvendig
Coreano 타켓-언어-수정-필요
Persa (farsi) زبان مقصد-صحیح شده-لازم
Lituano Galite pasirinkti tą pačią orginalo kalbą
Eslovaco rovnaký východzí a cieľový jazyk - kontrola
Africâner Teiken-taal-gekorrigeer-noodsaaklik
Idioma de origem
Inglês The forum is opened
Hello all, and thanks for your support. The translation of the user interface is progressing fast, Spanish, Esperanto and Russian are already online. Greek, Hebrew and Romanian are nearly completed. Swedish, Chinese (simplified), Nepali and Arabic are progressing nicely.

The engine is now nearly ready. I had a dream to build a huge community of translators to help interesting and useful multilanguage projects. In fact, Cucumis still needs to find its way and its users. We really need your feedback and your thoughts. [link=f]The forum[/link] is now running and is waiting for your ideas.

Traduções completas
Francês Le forum est ouvert
Holandês Het forum is geopend
Russo Форум открылся
Turco Forum açıktır
Búlgaro Форумът е отворен
Esperanto La forumo estas malferma
Alemão Das Forum ist eröffnet
Romeno Forumul e deschis
Catalão El fòrum és obert
Japonês フォーラムが動いています
Espanhol El foro está abierto
Árabe لقد افتتح المنتدى
Português europeu O fórum está aberto
Italiano Il forum è aperto
Sueco Forumet är öppnat
Albanês Forumi eshte hapur
92Idioma de origem92
Árabe روعة - منظ.كوكوميس - الثمرة
حقيقة إنها الروعة من المواقع اللغوية الخاصّة بالترجمة المجانية،منظ.كوكوميس تولد من جديد بفضل العمل التعاوني والجماعي متعدد اللغات لخدمة الجميع فهنيئا للكل بهذه الثمرة الناضجة.

Traduções completas
Francês Splendeur - - fruit
Búlgaro великолепенплод
Grego Μαγικό φρούτο
Catalão Esplendor - - fruita
Chinês simplificado 葫芦娃网站-美好-果实
Albanês Perle-
Espanhol Esplé
Russo Замечательныйфрукт!
Turco önemli-ürü
Sérvio Magicno voce -
Chinês tradicional 西瓜村.org的美好成果
Croata Odličće
Português europeu Esplé
Norueguês frukt
Coreano 위대한열매
Tcheco Nádherná
Lituano Puikus - - vaisius
Eslovaco Nádherné ovocie
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